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Well, the nice picture to the right is not going to happen on Saturday necessitating this email.

No matter what you do this weekend, please take a moment to remember all those who have served, who are serving and who gave their lives serving our country in our Military.

Also, please scroll down for a thanks to a local business who helped our Church out last weekend.
CANCELLED - Parade Food Tent
As many of you probably already know, the forecast for Saturday is miserable at best with a windy, cold rain expected all day.

Because of that, Fundraising is making the call to CANCEL the Memorial Day Food Tent.

Thank you to all who volunteered to help or bake, we can't do it without you!

As of now, we are unsure what's going on with the Memorial Day Parade, but you can check out the Town of Burlington News & Alerts to see if it's postponed or canceled.
Spring Raffle Ticket Help Needed
Drawing June 23rd - Only $2 per Ticket
Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to sell the Spring Raffle tickets at the carnival this year due the rain (last night was canceled and tonight's forecast is not looking better).

The Fundraising Committee is asking for a good group of Church Members to take twenty (20) tickets for their friends, family or co-workers to purchase.

They are only $2 for a chance to win a TV or Kindle and we need to sell all the tickets to make this event successful.  The loss of the Food Tent proceeds does not help with our budget shortfall and we need to make up for the loss of the carnival crowds.

Please email Sue Laramie to let her know you can help keep this Fundraising event on target to succeed.  Thank you!
Thank You for the Mulch Donation!
Thank You for the Mulch Donation!
I would like to take a moment to thank Nick McGuffie of Supreme Forest Products in Harwinton for their generous mulch donation for our Spring Cleanup last Saturday.
I ask that you support a local business owner, Kevin Boucher, and his company if you have any mulch, topsoil, wood chip or compost needs.

It was without prompting that Nick offered the mulch as a donation because they believe in supporting the local communities.
Hopefully, we can return the favor!  Thank you again, Nick!
In This Issue
Spring Raffle HELP
Thank You to Local Business

Pastor's Monthly Message

Pastor's Monthly Message

From the
Deacon's Bench
From the Deacon's Bench

Moments With God
Moment's With God

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Congregational Church of Burlington
With the cancellation of a major fundraising event and losing the opportunity to sell all our raffle tickets within the community, our 2013 Budget is further strained.

Please help out by purchasing or selling the raffle tickets and helping/supporting future events...even if it's letting others know we are doing them.

Thanks to all who were ready to mobilize this weekend as I know that it would have been a success.  We can't help Mother Nature, so let's keep our chins up and make the next event awesome.

Take care,


Jerry Burns
Business Committee Chair
Copyright (c) 2013 Congregational Church of Burlington