Sponsors' trip to India
In February 2016 fourteen sponsors of children in Project Mala schools visited India.  As you can see from the comments below, they had a wonderful time. 
  • The whole experience was both enjoyable and informative, and all for the better in being able to share it with our little band of travellers.
  • We did enjoy the trip both for its interesting itinerary, wonderful company and insight into how the project functions on the ground.   Meeting staff and students and seeing the rural areas was a highlight.
  • The children were so enthusiastic and eager to show us everything their school was providing for them which puts our schools to shame!  The holiday we all shared was equally enjoyable but the school visit was the icing on the cake.
  • The trip to India was amazing, and the 3 days in the schools at least as memorable as the Taj Mahal if not more so!!!
The trip included visiting Project Mala schools, where the sponsors attended the opening ceremony of the new secondary school extension at Guria village. 
This was a major event for the local villagers, who came in their finest to see the children perform magnificent displays of their skills.  In all, over 1,000 parents, past students and other Indian dignitaries attended the opening of the new 7,000 sq ft �40,000 addition to our Guria School.  This will enable us to take our secondary school children through to grade 12. 
As the visit was such a success, we are thinking we might have a sponsors' trip every two years.  If you are interested in going to India in February 2018, then let us know and we will arrange for preliminary details to be sent.
The first link below is to a film of the opening event and children's displays.  It is a full film but you can click on the time line to view different parts.  The second link is to a folder with still photos. 



If you know anyone who might be interested in this newsletter please send it on.

Robin Garland
Project Mala
(44) 1904 341004

Project Mala Charitable Trust | 25 Church lane | Nether Poppleton | York | YO26 6LF | United Kingdom