First Mala child to make it to university
In the July 2015 newsletter, I recorded that one child, Mangala, had achieved distinction in every subject.  I am pleased to now record that Mangala has won a place at Benares Hindu University (BHU), where he is studying maths, physics and geography.  BHU is one of the largest and most prestigious universities in all India and the nearest big city to our project, so we will be able to keep in close touch with his progress.
Mangala at Primary School
Mangala's achievement is even more impressive when looking at his record since joining our Amoi Primary School in 2004.  He was always considered a bright child, but in primary he was middle of the class.  In our Patehra Middle School he was in the top ten.  In Guria Secondary School he blossomed and was in the top four, until the last two years, when he was number one in all subjects. 
We are very proud of Mangala, as he epitomises what Project Mala is trying to
Mangala in front of BHU Central Library
do to give bright children in this remote part of India a chance to reach their full potential.
We are now paying the course fees for Mangala out of the scholarship fund set up last year and supported by donations from sponsors to help children like this.

The link below is to a short (3 minutes) film of Mangala back in his home village before going to university.  He still has a lot of hard work in front of him but, with a degree from BHU, he can expect that he will not have to follow the oxen and plough like his father.

If you know anyone who might be interested in this newsletter please send it on.

Robin Garland
Project Mala
(44) 1904 341004