Rahul, an unlucky boy
Recent newsletters have been about the successes of individual children, but these stories need to be viewed against the background of serious poverty that most of our children face each day.
One particularly unfortunate boy is Rahul, who is in our secondary school.  His father has a mental illness and cannot work. His elder brother was a van driver but was involved in a serious road accident which has left him with injuries, so he can only do menial jobs. The family, therefore, has now no regular wage earner.
Added to this, his elder sister, Rinki, who is studying in our class ten, has a neurological problem, which causes her to have regular seizures.
Normally with these family problems, Rahul would have dropped out of school to take a job, but he has an ambition to be a teacher and is determined to continue his education. He is working very hard and came 5th in the exam in March 2015. However, he was 15th in the half year exam in September 2015. Mukesh (Headmaster of Project Mala schools) is hoping that family worries are not affecting his studies.
This is a very sad story but all of the children attending our schools are poor. It is only the degree of poverty that varies. With the financial support we get from our sponsors, we provide education, nutrition, clothing and medical treatment, all free of charge to the children.
In some ways Rahul is lucky, because he is bright and attends a Project Mala school. When he completes his education he should become an above average earner which could solve some of his worries.

| Rahul with his sister, Rinki
If you know anyone who might be interested in this newsletter please pass it on.
Robin Garland Project Mala 01904 341004 www.projectmala.org.uk