Secondary school opening


Through the generous support of a number of our sponsors and Surya, a leading home accessories provider in the USA, we are getting near to having all the funding to finish the secondary school and boys' dormitory extension.  This will enable our students to complete their full four years secondary school education in a Project Mala School.  


We started construction in March 2015 and have taken films and photos from the start.  Anil has put them into an interesting record of the process to date.  The video shows the building is progressing well, but health and safety is clearly not a high priority in the Indian construction industry!  Secondary School under construction


We are now confident the official opening will take place on the 19th February during the sponsors trip.  Anyone wishing to join the party needs to decide soon.


If you are considering coming to India for the opening of the secondary school extension in February, please ring or email for further information.  The following link may also be of interest.    


Project Mala Secondary School


Vision of secondary school extension 



If you know anyone who might be interested in the newsletter please pass it on.


Robin Garland

Project Mala 

01904 341004