
Year End Reports


School Reports

I am pleased to advise that school reports for sponsored children have now been posted to sponsors logins. Please let us know if there are any problems logging in or if you have any questions.


Sponsors of children in grade 10 will find two reports: one which is an internal exam (like mock GCSE exams in the UK) and one for the UP Board exams taken in March.  There are 28 children in grade 10.

Top child - Sabeena 

The top child in this elite group was Sabeena, an un-sponsored girl, who scored an average of 87% across all exams. This is the first time a girl has beaten all the boys into top position. Well done Sabeena. Pupils now start to choose where they will study for class 11/12 and many of them will not make their final decision until July.


Sadly, as we don't yet have enough accommodation to take these children for their full four years of secondary education, they have to look elsewhere for the final two years.  One or two of the highest achievers may be accepted into good Intermediate Colleges or Polytechnics.  Some will go to a nearby Government school, while others have to go out to private village schools, near to their homes, for their final two years.  We pay the fees but the schools are not to the standard we would like for them.


Financial Report

I am pleased to report that the financial accounts are now filed with Charities Commission, a month ahead of last year. Since George Robinson became Treasurer, he has halved the filing time and our audited accounts are now filed within three months of our year ending.  Thanks also go to Joan Worth, who copes with all the book keeping and financial records for sponsors single handed.


If you wish to view the accounts, go to the Charity Commission website and enter our charity number 801953 in the search box. Alternatively, contact us and we will send you a copy.


The main strength of Project Mala is the loyalty we get from our sponsors.  We started our sponsorship scheme in January 1995 and still have 46 out of our first 100 sponsors.  This year we have had a number of existing sponsors taking on additional children, but it would be great to welcome new sponsors.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in sponsoring a child's education, please pass on one of our newsletters or let us know an email address and we will write to them.


Robin Garland


Project Mala

01904 786880 

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