Secondary School Film


When Project Mala was founded 25 years ago, our aim was to provide a basic literacy to as many poor children as possible.  We have moved on considerably since those early days and now provide education right through to secondary school level.  Providing opportunities for some exceptionally bright children to reach their full potential is proving very rewarding.


The short (six minute) film below will give you a good idea of the lives of the children in our secondary school and what they have to battle through to fulfil their educational ambitions.  The film has been Secondary School film March 2014prepared for an appeal to institutions to fund an extension to the school. 

The narration is by Anne Bate, one of our two teaching advisers.  Anne, together with Karen Brook, is responsible for the success of our education programme.  They spend about two months a year in India, running teacher/training programmes and installing new teaching techniques. Some of these can be seen on our Facebook page,


I would be happy to hear any comments and observations about the film.


Robin Garland


Project Mala

01904 786880 

email - [email protected]