180 children reach 100% attendance
Our academic year ended on the 31 March and Mukesh Dubey, our Head Teacher, has been compiling the results for the year. Amongst them are the attendance figures, which show that out of 1,252 children attending during the year, 180 did not miss a single lesson.
More impressive is that 11 children have never missed a single lesson
Priti & Sandhya
since they joined us. Amongst them is Priti and Sandhya who are now in class 6 and Alam, who is now studying in class 10, has not missed a day's schooling in 8 years. I don't expect these figures to be any more outstanding than a western school, but considering that most of our children have to work when they get home (girls do mainly household chores and boys will do manual work) then it is impressive. I like to think that it is because they enjoy their school that our attendance is so high, but perhaps it is that they don't have Nintendos and ipads to distract them.
Below from left to right are Om Prakask, Abhishek and Alam, all who have never missed a single lesson since they started school.