
New Pre-school for girls  

Some years ago staff began testing all children who wanted to join our Primary School.  The main reason for this was that some of the children had such a poor command of their native language that it was very difficult to teach them.  


Having such a test showed up a marked difference in ability between boys and girls and it became difficult to get the 50% boy/girl ratio that we wanted.  From this year, therefore, we have established a trial Pre-School for girls at our Turkahan School.  If it works, then, finance permitting, we will extend it to our other schools, which would mean that girls should have the same opportunities as boys.


Sponsors Trip

Two years ago a number of sponsors made a holiday trip to India and combined it with a visit to the opening of a new Project Mala School.  We are thinking of organizing a similar event in February 2013 for the inauguration of the new Secondary School buildings.  If you are interested in going, please send me an email.



If you think someone else may be interested in this newsletter please forward it on.


Robin Garland

Project Mala

01904 786880

email - [email protected]



Pre-school for girls


Pre-school 3


Sponsor Trip