September 2015
Dear Friends and Clients,
Not once in our 22 year history have we written in support of a specific charity. And, yet, that is precisely what we are doing now.  So please understand that this is different.  This is special for many reasons, but one reason is that it affects an increasing number of families that we talk to in our daily work.  
We want to to make you aware of a great opportunity to provide ground floor support for a new charity started by our own Mike Barcum, a longtime friend and Align client.  Peaceful Family Solutions was created by Mike out of his own back pocket.  The Board of Directors of this noble mission, in addition to Mike, include: Jeff Davis, Shawn Fulkerson, Frank Naifeh, Kevin Rykard, Donny Hector, Brent Katigan, and Brian Puckett.  We are all committed to the success of Peaceful Family Solutions.
The need is great and the time is now.  The goal is to accomplish the mission with 100% support of companies and individuals - no government funds (to avoid mandates). Therefore, the Board has decided to host a golf tournament at Oak Tree National to kick-off awareness and fundraising.
We are respectfully requesting that you consider two things: (1) making a personal and/or company contribution; and/or (2) sponsoring a team during the tournament on October 12, 2015.  For the record, Align has already made a significant cash contribution to PFS and is also sponsoring four players in the tournament. We believe in Mike, in the mission of Peaceful Family Solutions, and, most importantly, in the children, because, of course, the children are the future.
Those of you who know Mike know that he gets things done. Mike has a huge heart and tremendous grit. But, even Mike can't do this alone. He needs our help. He needs your help. More precisely, the children need your help ... and they need it now.
Below is Mike's explanation, along with a video link about the program and the children affected.  Also, attached is more information about the golf tournament.
Here's Mike: 
"As you may know, Sue and I have been raising our grandkids over the last 3 years because of their parent's addiction.  Addiction is a real problem in the US and in Oklahoma. Just in Oklahoma, there are over 150,000 children under the age of 18 that are living with an addicted parent or parents.  
Every day in our community, children like Aiden and his sister Addison face the consequences of their parents' addiction. Today, 1 in 4 US children are living in a home where one or both parents have an addiction to drugs or alcohol. These children are eight times more likely to develop alcoholism and other drug problems. Many of those children are separated from their parents. In Oklahoma, 90,000 children are living with their grandparents or "kinship" families (aunts, uncles, etc.)
We searched Oklahoma for a program for our grandkids to attend to learn that "it's not their fault and they didn't cause it" but found no resource was available in our state.  So, we did what you would probably do, we brought a program to our state ...
Peaceful Family Solutions, a new state nonprofit launches program to break the family CURSE of addiction.
The PFS Children's Program was developed to help children of addicts and alcoholics heal and break the cycle of addiction using proven engagement strategies that teach children and help them play their way to understanding and health. During the process, they build upon their strengths, find commonality with peers, deepen their resilience and further their intrinsic beauty and worth.  It was developed by SAMSHA and Betty Ford, over 30,000 children from LA, Dallas and Denver have benefited by the program to date.
We offer this program completely FREE of charge to the participants.  Peer to Peer activities will help children develop new problem solving skills, understand that choices have consequences, learn about safe people and places, prevention skills, education on drug and alcohol addiction and learn how to express their feelings with their peers, other children who have been affected.
PFS is the only organization in Oklahoma that offers these targeted, proven services for children of addicts and I am proud to serve as a Board Member. I look forward to sharing more with you about the impact of PFS on our children and our community because we simply can't do it without your support. 
PFS Children's program: Phase one is a four consecutive day program targeted at 7-12 year olds.  Phase two is a biweekly gathering of all past participants as we meet for 1 hour to continue to build their new community and continue to work on coping skills, safe people, anger management, feelings and other issues that will face these kids as they become teenagers.      
Through a gift to PFS, you will help provide the resources and support needed to ensure the children of addicts can lead healthy, happy lives. Regardless of the challenges these kids face, your gift will make a significant impact in their lives and give them the chance to break the tragic cycle of addiction ­- once and for all and give them a voice.
How you can make a difference right now:
        $7,500   Provides funding for one four day program 10 - 12 Children
        $   750   Provides one child to attend the program
        $1,000   Provides for materials for one four day program for 12 participant
       $  250     Provides lunches and recreation/swimming
PFS has been up and running for approximately 16 months and is running 1 to 2 programs each month.   

Here's a short informative video on PFS:

Ladies and Gents, if you are like me and have been looking for a great cause to really help kids breakthrough and achieve success, this is it!  Ground floor, money goes directly to helping kids and the need is tremendous.
Please help!  The need is great and the time is now.
Thanks for taking a look at this wonderful opportunity.
Brian's sig
Brian Puckett and your team at Align Wealth Management
Please click here for more information on the PFS Golf Tournament at Oak Tree National.