IAHE Masthead 
October 2014
The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators

IAHE is a coalition of healthcare
instructors and curriculum developers
united to advance innovative therapies
through high-quality continuing-
education programs.

Class dates/locations can be
viewed by clicking on the
curriculum title.

UI Logo


John E. Upledger, DO, OMM




Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F), PT



Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F), PT 

Alain Croibier, DO, MRO(F) 




Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F), PT 

Alain Croibier, DO, MRO(F)  


  Chikly Institute Logo


Bruno Chikly, MD, DO



Bruno Chikly, MD, DO



Alaya Chikly, LMT

D'Ambrogio Institute Logo    

Kerry D'Ambrogio, 



Kerry D'Ambrogio, 


Kerry D'Ambrogio,

Kerry D'Ambrogio,

IAHE Logo   




Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, CMT, CST-D



Ann Harman, DO, LMT 



Judith (Walker) DeLany, LMT



Aminah Raheem, PhD 



Cloé S. Couturier, LMT, CO, CST-D, MQM



Fritz Smith, MD 



Bruce Schonfeld,
Certified Advanced Rolfer, NCBTMB 



Rebecca M. Ridge, PhD, TEP, LMT, CST-D   


Chas Perry, PhD, CST-D 



Paul Chauffour, DO, French Osteopath


IAHE Quick Links

Mentoring Program 

Nov 11, 2014

Gross Anatomy of CST
Cost $25. Recording
only $20
Dec 16, 2014
CS2 Review
Cost $20. Recording only $15
Click to register

Celebrate National Massage Therapy Awareness Week
Oct 19-25, 2014

National Massage Therapy  
Awareness Week® is an opportunity to talk to your community about the health benefits of massage and to promote your practice.

Helpful Links:
Featured Product

A Life That Matters: Transforming Faces, Renewing Lives
by Ken Salyer, MD,
a BTD'15 Presenter  
A Life That Matters is a fascinating book by surgeon Ken Salyer who has devoted his life to helping the world's most unfortunate children grow up with faces that allow them to know they are part of the human community - assured that they are ordinary in the very best way and fully capable of being loved.   


This moving book focuses on the stories of children whose lives have been transformed and their personal testaments to how precious their "normalcy" now is. And it is these children who inspired Dr. Salyer to found the World Craniofacial Foundation to offer hope for poor children in still-developing countries who otherwise would be shunned, locked away, or abandoned.  


In a voice that's compelling and always impassioned, he issues a call for a new worldwide understanding of the rights of the terribly disfigured, and he encourages readers to be inspired by the lives of these children and to transform our own challenges into triumphs. $17.00 each



New Product -
Coming Soon! 
Zero Balalncing Expanded:
The Attitude
of Awaiting a Fish
by Judith Sullivan,



Providing detailed descriptions and illustrations, this book offers excellent ways to further assist your clients recover and retain their health, and at the same time to expand your practice. The content of this book incorporates Judith Sullivan's three previous Zero Balancing workbooks that are used in advanced ZB courses.  

Books will be available mid- November, 2014.  

Check OutLike us on Facebook 
Seminar Travelmate
Visit the IAHP on Facebook
Connect with other workshop attendees to plan rideshares & roommate opportunities.

Case Report
Cary Strohmeyer and Use of CST
as Part of a Cancer Treatment Team

Submitted by Suzanne Aderholt, OTR, MOT, CST-D
He and his family's names used at his request. 

Cary Strohmeyer and his wife Donna have a stout belief in the use of CranioSacral Therapy and how he is certain that it helped him through brain surgery. Cary and his wife Donna had been introduced to CST through their daughter Gracie; they had been making the three hour round trip from west Texas bringing her in for treatments for several years and through her response to her treatments, had learned how beneficial CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is for boosting our body's healing abilities.

Click to continue

The Body Alchemy Trilogy     
By Rebecca Ridge, PhD, LMT, CST-D 
Rebecca M. Ridge has created an exciting and enriching new curriculum entitled, The Body Alchemy of Relational Neuroscience. This trilogy of
Rebecca Ridge, PhD, LMT, CST-D
courses teaches CS therapists how to deepen their therapeutic relationship with clients. It includes specific skills to manage intense states of body dysregulation caused by a loss of trust and safety due to abuse, complex trauma and early childhood neglect from a body therapy perspective.

In Body Alchemy 1, students will learn how to:
  • Establish clear ethical boundaries when working with sensitive emotional memories.
  • Kinesthetically distinguish differing emotional energy fields and respond appropriately to them.
  • Repair the body of trust and apply specific skills to assist a client's nervous system to regulate and reconstruct their history.
  • Communicate with and balance the limbic system through various channels of the amygdala and cingulate gyrus.
  • Balance the vestibular area of the brain stem through positional release techniques.
  • Understand the long term effects of trauma, neglect and abuse on the nervous system.
  • Apply attachment theory to their understanding of a client's healing process.
  Click to learn more

Announcing New Class!
Healing From the Core

Advanced Energy Dynamics  
and Applications 3 (HFAE3) 

A Cutting Edge, Life-Changing Experience with 
 Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, CMT, CST-D


Want your deeper sense of presence to be automatic and naturally

Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, CMT, CST-D 

available? Curious about working more effectively with trauma survivors?


Desire expert mentoring in being fully present for

yourself and others?


Want to join with other advanced students for  

quality time together?


Would you like longer practice time to refine and grow your skills?


If your answer is yes, join us for this powerful workshop that integrates all the skills previously taught in this series
along with new protocols for refining your navigational system.  


Come experience extended time and mentoring for hands-on work.


BTD 2015 is Fast Approaching!

April 22 - 25, 2015 * Jupiter Beach, FL  
In honor of The Upledger Institute International's 30th anniversary, our theme is pearls of wisdom (pearls are the traditional gift for a 30th Anniversary). We are excited about a wonderful networking and educational event.

Click a link below to learn more:

Conference Information


Meet the Presenters 




Recent Class Photos    


Upcoming Conventions &  
Speaking Engagements

AMTA New England Regional Conference
Framingham, MA: Mar 19 - 22, 2015

Garland, TX: Mar 27 - 29, 2015
Presentation: CST Introduction

AMTA Washington State Conference
Tacoma, WA: Apr 23 - 25, 2015
Presentation: CST Introduction

AMTA New York State Conference
Tarrytown, NY: Apr 23 - 26, 2015
Presentation: CS1 or CS2

Autism One 2015
Chicago, IL: May 20 - 24, 2015
Topic: CranioSacral Therapy and Autism

Orlando, FL: Jun 25 - 28, 2015

Newly Certified
Mindy Stampler, LMT, CST is now BI Certified.

New Teachers
Ron Mariotti, ND, BI-D, Seattle, WA
has completed his training and is now a VM5 instructor.

Binaifer Bugli, PT, CST-D, Novi, MI
has completed her training and is now a CSP1 instructor.

Claudia Silva, PT, CST-D, CIMBE, Orlando, FL
has completed her training as is now a CSP1 instructor.

Satellite News
Minsk, Belarus and Astana, Kazakhstan will be hosting their first Upledger CranioSacral Therapy 1 Seminar in their countries on
November 20-23, 2014 and December 4-7, 2014 respectively.

The first Upledger CranioSacral Therapy 1 class held in Riga, Latvia in October, 2014 was a tremendous success with our sponsors Valerijs Kudojars and Natalija of the Medical and Educational Center VOKS. International Instructor Orsi Gabriel of Hungary inspired the
students as she shared Dr. John's work.
Did You Know... 

Did you know you can access your receipts and transcripts online? Please call 888-311-9204 or send an email to iahe@iahe.com for details.  

Writers Needed!
We are currently looking
for contributing writers.

If you or someone you know has articles, case stories, testimonials or ideas to share with our readership, email Jackie.halderman@iahe.com,
Director of Marketing.
International Association
of Healthcare Practitioners 
Optimize your Benefits with a Medallion Membership


IAHP is your professional network of more than 100,000 therapists who have taken continuing-education classes from IAHE and our affiliates. As alumni of any IAHE curriculum, you automatically receive a basic listing in our online directory.


By becoming a Medallion member, your presence is greatly expanded in our premier online directory of bodyworkers, which is accessible to the general public and gives access to anyone in your region to find you.  Additional IAHP Medallion Membership benefits offer:

  • Priority ranking in directory
  • Medallion icon highlighting your profile and listing
  • Custom designed therapist profile and web ad
  • Online video reviews of classes you attend. Videos now available: CCPB1, CS1-2, LDA1, LDT1-2, LT1-2, MALE, MASP, MAUE, NM1-4, NVMTA, SICS, SER1-2, TBS1, UMAC1, VAP, VM1-6, VMAT, VNAC, VVML and VVMU
  • Class roster access to network with colleagues
  • Therapist Resource Guide with tips to building a successful practice
  • Discounts and invitations to special events

One Medallion Member shares her impression:


"Being a Medallion Member of IAHP has been extremely beneficial to my practice. I have been placed at the top of the list in my city. I have a Profile and there is a link to my business website. I definitely receive referrals from this connection. The IAHP Medallion Membership easily pays for itself and much more. I highly recommend that you invest in yourself and become a Medallion Member. You're worth it. You will be glad that you did and you will wonder why you didn't join sooner!"

- Kim Lawler-Coyle, PT



$100 for one year or $350 for five years (USD)


Click here to enroll online or call  toll-free at 1-800-311-9204, dial option #2. Ask for priority code "E-IAHP" to get your new Medallion Membership and your free therapist profile today.

Manual Therapy Insurance Plus
With so much focus on each patient, it may be difficult to keep track of the business side of your manual therapy practice. In fact, quite a few manual therapists enter this field with little knowledge about business, and little desire to concentrate on basic business concepts.

One Policy Covers All:
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy * CranioSacral Therapy *Visceral Manipulation * Neural Manipulation * Total Body Balancing * plus over 350 other Massage and Bodyworker Modalities at No Additional Cost!

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11211 Prosperity Farms Road, D-325, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-3487
800-311-9204 | IAHE.com