November 12, 2012

ThomMessage from the Principal

"Field of Dreams"

Many of you may be familiar with this film from 1989 starring Kevin Costner. Even if you aren't familiar with the movie, you probably have heard the now famous line in the movie, "If you build it, they will come." Of course, this is just a line in a movie, but I like to think that it can have impact on us outside of a pure entertainment context as well.


As I come to serve here at CLHS each day, I find myself marveling at the history that is a part of this ministry. There are so many people who gave of their time, talents, and energy to build CLHS into a school that provides so many things for so many people. At some point, they also had to believe that if they built it, people would come! Sure enough, many have come through CLHS and experienced the Christ-centered environment that exists.


So, then, does it follow that CLHS is a "field of dreams" of sorts? It's hard for me to answer that question as I have only been here a few short months, however, I can relay my experiences thus far. First, we have had so many successful individuals and teams this year that I am amazed. We had our first female golfer qualify for the state tournament (Melissa Greener); our girls' cross country team, led by Marina Konow (SAC and Sectional champion) finished 14th at the state meet; Zach Panning finished in 2nd place at the state meet, capping off a season that included SAC, Sectional, Regional, and Semi-state individual titles; our competitive cheer team qualified for the state competition, finishing 7th; our volleyball team won an SAC and sectional title, and we had strong performances by our football, soccer, and tennis many blessings!


Another major accomplishment for our school was the performance of the CLHS Marching Cadets, as they finished in 2nd place at the state competition this year. I was blessed to be able to attend this event, and even ended up on the field during the awards ceremony. It was truly an awesome experience for me to be there as our school name was called and the efforts of our students and their directors were rewarded.


Certainly we have other accomplishments as well, both in the classroom and in our co-curricular programs, and none of this would be possible were it not for the "field" that has been built and sustained here at CLHS. But, ultimately, what is it for? Ought we be a collection of memories and trophies? Those that have come before and those that will follow know that this place is more than that...for it was built on the truth of Jesus Christ, and the hope that the message of his death and resurrection for the purpose of redeeming us back to him would be told to all. It is true, if it is built, people will come. And, when people have come here, they have found success in many areas...but overall, they have found, and will continue to find, the message and love of Jesus, which is not a dream, but a definite reality. May his love be and abide in all of us, always!




Mychal Thom



Guidance News 

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

All public colleges and universities are by law required to use the information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to put together a financial aid package for students. Some private colleges require the FAFSA and the Profile. FAFSA application forms are available at Senior students and parents should register now for a PIN at .


Whether you are filing the FAFSA by mail or on-line, the 2012-2013 FAFSA must be received by the Federal Processor on or before March 10, 2013 to be considered for the Indiana Higher Education Grant, the Twenty-First Century Scholars Scholarship and the National Guard Supplemental Grant.


Parents of Seniors

A FAFSA workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cadet Cafe. A financial aid officer from the University of Saint Francis will explain how to complete the FAFSA and answer questions that parents/guardians might have. This is a good opportunity for you.


Parents of Juniors

As we meet with your students, they are given information designed to assist in their planning in choosing a college or program for after high school. You are encouraged to discuss college plans with your son or daughter. Plan campus visits for this spring or summer. W encourage students to take advantage of our school policy for college visitations. Juniors and seniors are allowed two days to visit colleges that do no count toward their attendance if proper procedures are followed. Call your student's guidance counselor if you have any questions.

J ReffFrom the School Nurse 


Dear Parents,


We have a wonderful first time opportunity here at Concordia Lutheran High School--to have your student get a flu hot. We offer you the convenience of not having to fit one more thing into your and your student's schedule.


As you read and hear everywhere, flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that everyone over the age of six months get a flu shot. Everyone is at risk, but you are especially vulnerable if you have a chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease or asthma. If you have infants or elderly folks in your home or spend time with them, you could be spreading a life-threatening illness to them.

When you get a flu shot, you protect yourself, any newborns or infants who are too young to get vaccinated, and people at high risk for complications from the flu.


We are offering flu shots for students at CLHS on:

Friday, November 16

During lunch periods (no lost class time)

Cost is $20 (cash or checks payable to CLHS)


Please download and complete the consent form from the email you have received and keep the vaccination information statement for you. Please return the completed consent form and payment to Jayne Reff (School Nurse) by Thursday, November 15. A consent form may also be obtained in the CLHS Clinic.


For more information or to have questions answered, please email or call. My contact information is below.


Please continue to Wash Those Hands, get plenty of rest, increase those fruits and veggies, get some exercise, and drink a lot of water. Doing all of these will boost your immune system and help us all to have an uneventful flu season. If you do become ill, stay home and let your body rest as well--as to not expose the rest of us.


Jayne Dwyer-Reff, RN

School Nurse

Phone: (260) 483-1102, ext. 235


Health and Wellnes Series Begins this Friday 

Please join us this Friday, November 16 for a free lunch and parent meet and greet with Travis Brown otherwise know as Mr. Mojo. Travis will be talking to the students about bullying at an assembly that morning. He will also spend some time with a small group of students after the assembly.  From 12 :00 - 1:00 pm Travis will talk with parents in the Worship Conference Center. Parents may bring their own lunch or enjoy a free lunch at our new remodeled Cadet Caf�.

Travis Brown, aka Mr. Mojo, is a nationally known motivational speaker and corporate trainer. Travis Brown grew up in Lafayette, Indiana. A three-sport varsity athlete in high school, Travis went on to pursue his dream of playing college football following graduation.


After college, Travis spent the next decade in sales, executive management, consulting and business ownership. Expanding on many of his own life lessons, Travis turned his attention from the corporate world to focus on providing success and leadership tools for students across the country. It is through these leadership skills that he encourages students to "Mojo up" and take a stand against bullying.


As a top motivational speaker, Travis acquired the name "Mr. Mojo" for his high energy, intense content and captivating speaking style. He has delivered over 1,600 hours of motivational presentations to companies and youth nationwide. On his anti-bullying tours, Travis has impacted the lives of nearly 300,000 students in the United States and abroad. He is also called on to bring motivation and inspiration to professional athletes and sports teams including the Pittsburgh Steelers, Chicago Bears and Cleveland Browns.


Currently, Travis is recognized as America's Anti-bullying Coach for his tireless work to fight the social epidemic of bullying and change the lives of today's youth. The Operation Mojo No Bullying Tour ( ) has created a unique way for Travis to connect to students with his life changing anti-bullying message: Mojo UP - Leaders Taking a Stand Against Bullying! Travis has been seen on FOX, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and as an Inspiring Male Coach on MTV.


Travis encourages students, parents and educators to take the MOJO UP CHALLENGE, and join him on his mission to "change the world one student at a time." This will be the third time that Mr. Mojo has presented at Concordia Lutheran High School and we are very excited to have back.

CLHS Announces Commended Students 

Five Concordia Lutheran High School students--Taryn Ahmed, Arie Friedrich, Heidi Gottschalk, Austin Harris, and Alexandra Jonker--were named Commended Students in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program. These students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the competition by taking the 2011 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.

Theatre at CLHS 

Concordia's Drama Department presents The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe on Friday, November 30 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, December 2 at 2 p.m. in the CLHS auditorium. Based on the beloved book by C. S. Lewis, this is a charming play about courage and the love of freedom, featuring all your favorite characters. Mrs. Dianne Giannakeff will direct. Tickets, which are $4 for adults and $3 for children under 12, can be purchased at the door.

Hannah DavisSenior Hannah Davis Receives Junior Hope Award 

As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, senior Hannah Davis was presented with the YWCA's prestigious Junior Hope Award. Mary Joe Hardiman, Director of Community Programs at the YWCA of Northeast Indiana, made the surprise presentation to Hannah on Thursday, October 25 at the high school. The award is given annually to an outstanding young adult who is service oriented and has a heart for those in need. Hannah currently volunteers at the YWCA through the school's internship program. Congratulations, Hannah, for this much-deserved recognition.

Discover Concordia Night

Parents and Future Cadets are invited to attend Discover Concordia Night at Concordia Lutheran High School on Wednesday, November 14 at 6:30 p.m. You'll have the opportunity to tour the facilities, meet with administrators, check out our outstanding programs, and enjoy refreshments. Contact Krista Friend at (260) 483-1102 or for more information.




 fall awards 2 



math scienceMiddle School
Math/Science Adventure

Concordia's Math and Science departments hosted their annual Middle School Math/Science Adventure on Wednesday, October 24. Seven teams participated, representing five Lutheran grade schools: Ascension, Emmanuel-St. Michael, Lutheran South Unity, St. John-Emmanuel, and Suburban Bethlehem. One of St. John-Emmanuel's teams won the competition.

Introducing Cashless Lunch 

Now you don't have to send money with your child for his or her breakfast or lunch. With our new cashless system-maintained through RenWeb/ParentWeb--you are able to preload money into your child's account. Students then access the funds with the "swipe" of their photo ID. Funds in the account can only be used to purchase breakfast or lunch.


There are three ways your child's account can be preloaded:


1.         You may pay at the Business Office with cash, check or credit/debit card. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted (you may call us with the amount and card number).

2.         Your child can make a deposit into his or her account when paying for breakfast or lunch. Simply have any "change" posted to the account.

3.         You can pay through ParentWeb's Pay Now portal with MasterCard, Discover or American Express (Visa is not accepted). A small transaction fee ($.85) is collected by Pay Now.


You can now pre-pay for days or weeks at a time. You will know that the funds are only being used for breakfast or lunch. And you can access the RenWeb account to review your child's purchases.


CLHS also benefits from the new cashless system. Everyone, students and staff, must use their photo ID to purchase lunch. This provides required data used to complete Department of Education reports.


Students like the new preloaded option--no more fumbling for cash. Checkout is faster...just swipe and go. To learn more, contact the Business Office at (260) 483-1102, ext. 224.



Band 1Marching Band Runners-up in State

The Marching Cadets performed at Lucas Oil Stadium on Saturday, November 3. Their performance of "The Promise" earned them second place in Class C competition. This year's program was based on John 3:16. Congratulations, Cadets!

Band 2
Accepting the 2nd place trophy are Bradley Murphy, Allyson Pasche, Jonathan NaThalang and Michaela Holloway.


All District Honor Band Announced 

The Northeast Indiana area of the Indiana Bandmaster Association sponsors an All-District High School Honor Band each year. This year it will be hosted by DeKalb High School on Saturday and Sunday, November 10 and 11. The concert begins at 4:00 p.m. at the DeKalb High School auditorium. More than 130 students apply for this outstanding band. Congratulations to the following CLHS students who were selected for this honor: Daniella Moeller, oboe; Michaela Holloway, bassoon; Mackenzie Herring, alto sax; Bradley Murphy, trumpet; Gennea Strable, French horn; Micah Reynolds, trombone; Jonathan NaThalang, baritone; and Taylor Haaff, mallets.


Rev. Borchers Reverend Borchers Earns
Master of Science Degree

Rev. Dennis Borchers, Director of Student Activities at Concordia Lutheran High School, earned his Master of Science in Educational Design and Technology degree from Concordia University Wisconsin this summer. According to Dr. Richard Bull, Program Director, "Denny was an outstanding graduate student and a consummate lifelong learner. Throughout the program, he demonstrated a passion for teaching, his students and the mission of Lutheran education. Ultimately, he used this program as a chance to explore how to reach and teach students in the digital age." Congratulations, Pastor Borchers.


CLHS Marching Band to Perform in Washington D.C.

The Concordia Lutheran High School Marching Cadets were recently invited to participate in the National Memorial Day Parade to be held on May 27, 2013 in Washington D.C. The parade, presented by the American Veterans Center and Music Celebrations International, is a commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.


This national event honors those veterans, past and present, who have sacrificed so much for the liberties we currently enjoy in our country. The parade will be featured on local and national television, including the Military Channel. Concordia's band, representing the State of Indiana, will march down Constitution Avenue, in front of spectators numbering in the hundreds of thousands.



Christmas at the Embassy

You're invited to attend Concordia Lutheran High School's annual Christmas at the Embassy concert, Heaven and Nature Sing, on Sunday, December 16 at 4 p.m. at the historic Embassy Theatre. Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for students/seniors and will be on sale at the high school beginning Monday, December 3 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each week day.


Make sure your holiday plans include this annual concert, with music from Concordia's choirs, orchestra, bands, and guest elementary choirs from Ascension, Concordia, Holy Cross, and St. Peter's. It will be a grand event to celebrate Christ's birth in fitting style. For information about the show, contact Dianne Moellering at (260) 483-1102, ext. 198.



Fine Arts Upcoming Events

NOVEMBER 13 - 6:30 p.m. Marching Band Finale, CLHS Auditorium

NOVEMBER 16 - 7:00 p.m. Winter Instrumental Concert, CLHS Auditorium


DECEMBER 9 - 11:00 - 1:30 small jazz ensemble, Seminary Brunch

DECEMBER 16 - 4:00 p.m. Christmas at the Embassy

DECEMBER 17 - Tentative delivery date for citrus fruit


Christmas Gift Ideas for Concordia Students and Fans

If you are looking for unique gift ideas for that hard-to-shop-for person, consider ordering CLHS Spirit Wear. This would be a great way for grandparents or out-of-town relatives purchasing gifts to make your child happy and support Concordia at the same time! Photos and ordering instructions are available at Click on the Arts tab and the Spirit Wear link. If you turn your order in at the main office, please indicate it is a Spirit Wear order for the band boosters, so that it gets sent to Mrs. Moellering. All orders turned in and paid for by December 1 will be delivered before Christmas.


CLHS Dinner and Fundraiser dinnerauction

Mark your calendars for Cadets in Cadence: 30 Years in the Making, Concordia Lutheran High School's 30th Annual Dinner and Fundraiser with an old Hollywood theme, to be held on Saturday, December 1. And, as the evening winds down, breakfast will be offered to all those in attendance at approximately 11:00 p.m. Make your reservations today at


A preview party will be held the night before the main event, on November 30, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the gym. This will allow you to check out the fabulous decorations and auction items while enjoying food and beverages for only $10 (payable at the door). There will be items to bid on and purchase.


Contact Stephanie Paradine at (260) 483-1102 or for more information.


CLHS Alumni Association Business of the Month  

Please show your support to The Orchid Events & Catering, Concordia Alumni Association's Business of the Month for November. Located in New Haven, Indiana, The Orchid is owned by Solitaire (Roehm) Hile, class of 1994. The Orchid's private setting is ideal for weddings, receptions, reunions, and corporate functions. In addition to banquet and meeting facilities, The Orchid also offers on-site catering and boxed lunches. See their website,, or The Orchid Events & Catering on Facebook, for details.

Bag Sale at Concordia
Thrift Shop

This is definitely something to be thankful for. Stop by the Concordia Thrift Shop between November 16 and 24 and fill a bag with men's, women's and children's clothes for just $5! Some exceptions may apply. The shop is located at 3436 North Anthony Shopping Center. Hours are Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Thrift Shop will be closed Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22.


Also, if you have unused Concordia uniforms, other clothing or household items, please consider donating them to the Thrift Shop.


Concordia Lutheran High School Thrift Shop
Red Bar Png