Dr. Paul Epstein
Dr. Paul Epstein  quote
Childhood Trauma & Adult Disease
September 10, 2014

Last month, I presented a talk to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) Annual convention entitled, "Scared Sick: Integrating Truama and Biography in the Treatment of People with Chronic Disease."

I truly believe that this is one the most important, and most overlooked, topics in medicine.

Scientific evidence is mounting that chronic fear experienced in infancy and early childhood lies at the root of chronic disease as well as contributing to emotional and behavioral pathologies.  Disease states may originate from the early conditioning of our minds and hearts due to our natural efforts to survive the story of what happened to us as the body-mind bears the burden. 

We live permanently in the recurrence of our own stories - whatever stories we tell.  As the saying goes, "if you don't know your history you are doomed to repeat it."

Our fight-flight system, overworked in childhood, later becomes the root cause of chronic disease. 

All the latest findings on the impact of childhood trauma, mindfulness, neuroplasticity and epigenetics are increasingly pointing to the clinical importance for integrating our biography with our biology and treating the cell and the self which has become the primary focus of my doctoring, teaching and mentoring. 

I wanted to share some resources on this critically important topic. Every practitioner, and every person on their own healing journey, should pay attention to what we are learning about this aspect of healing.

Here is one of two articles I have published on this topic for the Naturopathic Doctors News and Review (NDNR):

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September 11, 2014
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October 23, 2014
Dr. Epstein's Book Cover
Book Suggestions:

The book emphasizes the bio-physiological effects of psychological trauma and provides evidence from the preclinical and clinical fields and neurosciences that early life trauma has long-lasting effects on the physical, mental and emotional health of children and adults...  Read more

"No longer sidelining the story to the domain of metaphysics, medical researchers across the world are unveiling in biological terms how it is that our experiences effect our biology..." Read more


The ACE Study on Adverse Childhood Experiences is also a great resource to learn about this important piece of the healing puzzle.

The ACE Study findings suggest that certain experiences are major risk factors for the leading causes of illness and death... read more

"To the degree that we do not figure out how to integrate this knowledge into everyday clinical practice, we contribute to the problem by authenticating as biomedical disease that which is actually the somatic inscription of life experience on the human body and brain."
~ Vincent Felitti, MD  

In my upcoming 7-part WEBINAR entitled: 

Starts October 23, 2013

the impact of adverse childhood events and trauma will be one of the many important topics that I cover. This webinar is for any practitioner who wants to use Mindfulness to improve and enhance the effectiveness of their clinical care for patients.

I invite you to participate in this powerful WEBINAR sponsored by the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM).
Paul Epstein, ND
Mindful Healing: Mind-Body Integrative Medicine
(203) 226-3923
About Dr. Paul Epstein
Dr. Paul Epstein Portrait Paul Epstein, ND is a graduate of the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM), specializing in Mindful Healing and Mind-Body Integrative Medicine.

He has more than 30 years experience in private practice successfully treating patients with powerful, life changing therapies.

Dr. Epstein is a pioneer and leading voice in Mind-Body Integrative Medicine lecturing internationally to both general and professional audiences.  

He is an extraordinary teacher who presents compelling topics that inform, educate, motivate and inspire.
Don't ever miss the opportunity to experience Dr. Epstein!
42 Richmondville Ave
Westport, CT 06880

"Connecting the cell and the self"