December 12, 2012
please note header
Meet the Bishop Suffragan
Via Video




This week's please note includes a special format change. Instead of a video from me, follow this link to watch videos from the Bishop Suffragan nominees. 


The Transition Committee invited the five candidates to make a five to seven minute video to introduce themselves to the Diocese. The candidates received no other guidelines, so these videos show their true personalities, priorities and dreams for our diocese. 


Keep the Faith,





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The Candidates Are Coming!
The Candidates Are Coming!


The five Bishop Suffragan candidates will tour the Diocese January 7 through January 12, 2013. Click here for the full press release with event details. 


Upcoming events include a series of luncheons for clergy and Walk-Abouts (basically question and answer sessions) for clergy, lay delegates and interested local parishioners. The programs will be the same in Raleigh, Charlotte and Greensboro/Winston-Salem.


All members of the Diocese are welcome to attend the Walk-Abouts, although seating will be on a first come/first served basis.


Submit Your Questions: The Transition Committee is soliciting questions for the Walk-Abouts in advance. Find more details and submit your question here. (Anyone in the Diocese can participate. The deadline is December 27).


RSVP for Clergy Coffee/Luncheons: Clergy interested in attending the luncheon events with the nominees will need to RSVP by Friday, December 21. Find event details and RSVP contact information here

Upcoming Diocesan EventsUpcoming

Find more information about events here, or view the diocesan calendar here.           



Applications for the Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps are due January 4

The Episcopal Church Foundation is now accepting fellowship applications.




13 - Diocesan Council meeting 


13 - Durham Clericus, Noon-1:30pm, St.  Luke's, Durham. Elective contemplative prayer begins at 11:30am.  


13 - Greensboro Clericus, Noon-1:30pm, Holy Trinity, Greensboro. Lunch is $6.       


13 - Charlotte Clericus. Moved from December 20. 


17 - Deadline to submit nominations and resolutions for action to the 197th Annual Convention.


17 - Standing Committee meeting   


19 - Diocesan Offices closed after noon    


20 - Winston-Salem Clericus, Noon-1:30pm, St. Paul's, Winston-Salem. Lunch is $6.


24-Jan. 1 - Diocesan Offices closed for Christmas and New Year's    



3 - Deadline to submit committee reports to the 197th Annual Convention  


3 - Fresh Start, held regionally. Contact Canon Hunn


3 - Sandhills Pre-Convention Convocation Meeting, 7:00pm, Emmanual Southern Pines. 


3 - Raleigh Pre-Convention Convocation Meeting, 7:00pm, St. Michael's, Raleigh.  


8 - Clergy Lunch with Bishop Suffragan Candidates, 12:30-2:30pm, Good Shepherd, Raleigh. For Raleigh, Durham and Rocky Mount clergy. Cost is $5 for lunch, RSVP to Margo Acomb by Dec. 21st.


8 - Raleigh Walk-About, 7:00-10:15pm, Christ Church, Raleigh. Come meet the Bishop Suffragan candidates. Everyone is welcome!


8 - Charlotte Pre-Convention Convocation Meeting, 7:00pm, St. Martin's, Charlotte.   


8 - Greensboro Pre-Convention Convocation Meeting, 7:00pm, All Saints, Greensboro.


9 - Clergy Coffee and Lunch with Bishop Suffragan Candidates, 10:45am-12:15pm, Penick Village, Southern Pines. For clergy from the Sandhills Convocation. Cost is $5 for lunch, RSVP to Ann Lane by Dec. 21st.


10 - Durham Clericus Meeting, Noon-1:30pm, St. Luke's, Durham. Elective contemplative prayer begins at 11:30am.   


10 - Clergy Lunch with Bishop Suffragan Candidates, 12:20-2:30pm, St. Martin's, Charlotte. For clergy from the Charlotte Convocation. Cost is $5 for lunch, RSVP to Ann Lane by Dec. 21st.


10 - Rocky Mount Pre-Convention Convocation Meeting, 7:00pm, St. Andrew's, Rocky Mount.


10 - Charlotte Walk-About, 7:00-10:15pm, St. John's, Charlotte. Come meet the Bishop Suffragan candidates. Everyone is welcome!


11 - Clergy Lunch with Bishop Suffragan Candidates, 12:15-2:15pm, Holy Trinity, Greensboro. For Greensboro and Winston-Salem clergy. Cost is $5 for lunch, RSVP to Shelley Kappuaf by Dec. 21.  


12 - Winston-Salem Walk-About, 9:00am-12:15pm, St. Paul's, Winston-Salem. Come meet the Bishop Suffragan candidates. Everyone is welcome!


15 - Winston-Salem Pre-Convention Convocation Meeting, 7:00pm, St. Timothy's, Winston Salem.  


15 - Durham Pre-Convention Convocation Meeting, 7:00pm, St. Luke's, Durham.  

From the Bishop
In this Issue
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Worship Resources    
Forward Day by Day

The Bible Challenge

Did you know the Diocese is sending out daily Gospel readings from Gospel Based Discipleship? To receive them, follow the Diocese on Twitter or on Facebook.

Also check out the Rev. Bill Bennett's meditation, the second weekly Bible Challenge reflection from clergy across the Diocese.

Outreach Spotlight   Remember EFwM in Your Year-End GivingOutreach  

Support the work that the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry does with local migrant workers by remembering the organization during the holidays. You can donate individually online, or consider including EFwM in your church's alternative gift fair. EFwM also has an ever-growing wish list of items they need donated. Email Craig Richardson for more information or to arrange a presentation at your church. Read more here.

Browse additional projects in the Outreach Spotlight archive. 
Clergy Changes  


You can view recent changes of cure (clergy changes) on the diocesan website by clicking here. 
Featured PostPost   

The procession celebrating the feast of Our lady of Guadalupe in Wilson, NC, where 30 people were confirmed and 20 children made their First Communion at Iglesia de La Guadalupana. Fr. Phil Byrum has an incredible long standing ministry there serving the Guadalupana community and St. Mark's, an historically African American congregation, who together share facilities and ministry. These two congregations together are making a remarkable Christian witness to the diverse communities of Wilson.

 Follow Bishop Curry on Facebook

Events from Around the DioceseAround  




16 - Christmas Caroling, 4:30pm, St. Luke's, Durham. We'll spread holiday cheer around Durham, especially to some St. Luker's who are unable to get to church anymore. Then we'll come back for a light meal and hot chocolate. Meet in the St. Luke's parking lot. All ages welcome.   


16 - A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, 5:00-6:00pm, Good Shepherd, Rocky Mount. This much loved annual candlelight service sung by the Alleluia and Good Shepherd Choirs will include traditional carols, hymns and anthems. A wassail reception will follow the service. Daycare will be provided. This Music at Good Shepherd event is free and open to the public.   


24 - Prelude to the Christmas Eve Eucharist, 10:30-11:00pm, Good Shepherd, Rocky Mount. The Good Shepherd Choir and soloists will sing favorite Christmas anthems and carols.    


Find more Christmas and Christmas Eve services taking place around the Diocese here. 



Announcements will normally be posted for the four weeks prior to the event. If there is something that you would like to announce here, email us and please give title of event and no more than 100 words in description.        
From the Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina