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Scholarship Gold Consulting- Helping students prepare for college and compete for scholarships
                                             Elizabeth Hartley, coach/consultant/author 
July 2014
Vol 2, Issue 1


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 a free monthly newsletter by Elizabeth Hartley,  



Addendum to Yesterday's Newsletter


Hi College Bound friends!


In addition to the workshops listed below that were listed in last night's newsletter, I have been able to add two more workshops that folks had been asking about- Junior Year Essentials and Senior Year Essentials.  Until this morning I wasn't sure I could free up a weekend to offer them but it worked out after all.  In the past, these classes have had enthusiastic feedback and I was frustrated that it didn't seem I could offer them this year.  So, I'm very happy that it worked out to offer both of the classes on Aug 16th.  Also, there will be an Essay Writing class the following week, right after the College Bound Essentials class.



Junior Year Essentials- August 16- 9-noon- Click HERE
In many respects, the junior year is a student's most important year.  It is the last set of grades a college will see by the time a student applies.  Also, it is the year of the almighty SAT, ACT and Subject tests as well as college visits, seeking leadership roles in clubs and teams, creating meaningful summer activities and much more.  Navigating the junior year well can absolutely make the senior year much less stressful!   ($75/student and parents come along at no charge.)
Senior Year Essentials- August 16- 12:30- 3:30 - Click HERE
The senior year is arguably one of the most stressful times of a student's life, trying to navigate college applications, write essays, retake SAT or ACT tests, picking the right school and more.  The fear of wondering what else you don't even know to do can make it even  more stressful.  This class will clearly lay out every step of the process, from picking your schools all the way through appealing the financial aid offer.   ($75/student and parents come along at no charge.)  This class has been called a "lifesaver" by many parents and students in the past.  Come get your senior year gameplan and take the worry out of the process.  
Essay Writing for College Admissions & Scholarships- Aug 23rd
12:30-3:30  Click HERE
A well-crafted and insightful essay can be the deciding factor between being admitted or declined from a college.  However, knowing what to say, how to say it and what makes an essay memorable and effective are skills that do not come naturally to most high school students.  In this workshop, we will go through all of the above and much more so that you can tackle the admission essay with confidence.  
Workshops already on the calendar

1- *College Bound Essentials
 July 24th- Mooresville, NC  6:00-9:00

2- **
July 24th- Mooresville, NC 3:00-6:00 

3- *College Bound Essentials
Aug 23rd- Lake Wylie, SC 9:00-12:00
4- *College Bound Essentials- HomeschoolersSept 11th- Columbia, SC 6:00-9:00
*What is College Bound Essentials? If you want to navigate high school, college admissions, scholarships and financial aid with confidence and success, this workshop is for you. What you learn can totally change your strategy and your choice of college.  The most expensive schools may be the cheapest.  Come learn why!  
(The homeschool version adds in important extra topics unique to homeschoolers, including how to best present the student's information to the college for optimal results.)

**What is Middle School Essentials?  This fun and engaging workshop educates students in grades 5-8 with regard to what lies ahead in high school, why college needs to be in their game plan, how to spend their summers, how to participate in the Congressional Award program and much more.  This class is just the thing to give students an early launch into the college-bound mindset.

Elizabeth Hartley                 

Scholarship Gold Consulting                                         


 HartleyGold@yahoo.com                                                  www.ScholarshipGold.com 

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