Annual Fund ~ Spring 2014

Hello MPA Families,


The Development Committee has been busy this year raising money to assist Menlo Park Academy bridge the financial gap to keep our school thriving. 


We wanted to update you on the progress we have made so far this year.


First of all, we are so grateful for everyone who has contributed or participated in our development efforts this year. It is awesome to see the support from our school community. You have demonstrated your commitment to MPA in many different ways!  


               Fundraiser      GoalRaised to Date
Browns Football Concession Stand $ 15,000.00$ 15,695.00
Magazine Drive $ 5,000.00$ 4,2993.00
Winter Concert - Raffle/Auction $ 10,000.00$ 7,552.00
Walk-A-Thon $ 10,000.00  Pending
Annual Fund Appeal $ 75,000.00$ 29,948.00
2013-2014 Fundraising Total $ 115,000.00$ 59,570.00


This school year has been packed with exciting adventures. It is hard to believe we are only a few months away from summer. A couple of highlights from this school year are: 

  • MPA students recently participated in Power of Pen regional competition, Destination Imagination, and You Be the Chemist; all performing exceptionally well. 
  • MPA students will be able to once again explore our nation's capital, spend a week learning about the great outdoors, and participate in a myriad of upcoming local field trips.
  • Our teachers have been able to spend more time working together to further articulate the MPA curriculum because of the dedicated support of the additional teacher's assistants hired this year--all of whom are licensed educators in their own right. 
Supporting the school through varying financial contributions helps make all of this possible for our students. 
Our next phase of the Annual Fund is the phonathon. We will be making solicitation phone calls to those parents who have not contributed yet this year. Our first phonathon will be held at the school in early April.


If you have not made a contribution this year you will be getting a phone call next month!


Have a wonderful day.

 --The 2013-14  MPA Development Committee 

Donate online now or wait until you receive a call during the April Phonathon!
Want to be more involved in supporting the development activities of MPA?
Please contact us!