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In this Issue: volume 12, no. 1
You're in the Worst Meeting Ever: What to Do
How to Keep your Strategic Plan Alive
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Diana Brooks Associates helps people and organizations improve leadership, communication and teamwork.

A speaker, trainer and coach, Diana provides free initial consultations. Contact her at 413.458.8263 or at www.dianabrooksassociates.com

Tips, Tools & Tactics

Welcome to our January issue! We're focusing on how to improve two ordinary horrors of work life: bad meetings and forgotten strategic plans. Please let us know what else you'd like to read about.   - Diana

What to Do in a Really Bad Meeting
You've been in this meeting for two hours now and you feel your life slipping away. Your super-tactless coworker has just commented way too boldly on another coworker's project report draft, and that hyper-defensive coworker has responded according to his nature. In other words, these two are about to have at it. 

Words start to fly, the initial attacker counter-attacks with, "Well, you asked for my opinion!" and the meeting leader is doing absolutely nothing. You can feel the mutual suffering in the room. So what are your choices? Do you have to wait until all of this fizzles into a mumbling exodus, or is there actually something you can do?

I like to remind people in my workshops on leading meetings that it's everyone's job to make a meeting a success. We forget this...

Read the rest of this article here.
How to Keep a Strategic Plan Alive
Lots of organizations create Strategic Plans at the beginning of the year. But all too often, they then molder on a shelf in someone's office. To make the most of your Strategic Plan efforts, check to see if you are following the suggestions below:

1. If you have just completed your plan, don't forget to celebrate. It is a huge undertaking and your hard work will pay off well if you stay focused.

2. Communicate the overall Strategic Plan to your stakeholders-other members of the board, volunteers, employees, primary donors, etc. Hold meetings if you....

Read the rest of this article here.