October 22, 2015  |  Vol. 2 No. 34
"Doing" or "Becoming"?
In a recent YES! Magazine interview, author Terry Tempest Williams
Rev. Justin Schroeder
explains that as guest teacher at Dartmouth College, the one question that her students ask her, regarding the state of the world, environment, and our politics is this: "So what do we do?"

And Tempest responds that for her, the question is not, "What can we do?" but rather, in this face of all of this, "Who are we becoming?" Tempest goes on to say, "We are in a transitional moment, a crossing, moving from one plane of reality to another, and what is required of us is spiritual...We're in this time where everything is being turned inside out, including us. Do we have the stamina to not walk away, to stay in this hard place of transformation?" Using a new set of practices - humility, discernment, sacrifice, direct action, deep listening - do we have the capacity to become something new?

I love this question of "Who are we becoming?" So often, out of our heartbreak, anxiety, and sincere desire to fix a problem, we ask, "What can we do?" It's a good question, but I wonder if the spiritual question is, "Who are we becoming?"

These questions deeply relate to our Faithful Action Ministry and our newly-formed Faithful Action Leadership Council, which helps to guide and shape our Faithful Action Ministry. This Sunday, after both services, during our Faithful Action Fair, you can learn more about the Council, our various ministry efforts, and meet many of the organizations we are in relationship with.

The primary work of the Faithful Action Leadership Council is to help the church's justice efforts become deeply grounded in partnerships with community organizations and to help the church become a faith community where our faithful action efforts - whether around housing, the environment, employment, or something else - are grounded in racial justice principles and practices. In essence, the way forward is not to "do" more, but to "become" something entirely new.

In many ways, not only is this the work of the Faithful Action Leadership Council, but it is the work of our church.

Come learn more this Sunday!

In faith,
Worship this Sunday
Oct. 25, 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.
"Nurture Your Spirit,
Heal the World"
Rev. Justin Schroeder
How do we best live at the intersection of spiritual growth and social justice? How do we sustain ourselves for the long haul, remaining engaged even when the struggle feels impossible? Read more

NEW! Oct. 25, 5:30 p.m.
Contemplative Evening Service
Turn - A Meditation in Sound and Silence
Join us for a special worship service that focuses on personal reflection accompanied by poetry, music and silence.
This Sunday, Oct. 25 during morning worship services, the First Universalist Choir will sing "Seasons of Love" as well as pieces from their upcoming performance in the Guthrie's production of "The Events."

Looking Ahead
November theme:
Border Crossing

Nov. 1, 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.
Sharing Sunday
Child Dedication Ritual
Miss a Recent Sunday?
Oct. 18, 2015
"Choices, Choices, Choices"
Rev. Justin Schroeder

Oct. 11, 2015
"Story of the River"
Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink
"Taxi Driver Wisdom" 
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie

Oct. 4, 2015
"Our Shared Roots"
Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink
This Sunday! October 25 Faithful Action Fair:
Get to Know the Participating Organizations (Part 3)
Learn how you can get involved!
Join us this Sunday, Oct. 25, for our first Faithful Action Fair to celebrate the new Faithful Action Leadership Council, meet with community organizations, and learn about justice initiatives at First Universalist. Representatives from participating groups will be on hand after both services (10 a.m.-1 p.m.) to share information and invite you to sign up for a variety of volunteer opportunities.
Who will be there?

This week - last but not least! - we're highlighting the remaining participants:

The Community Investment Team coordinates First Universalist's Offering Plate contributions to charitable organizations engaged in community-based work. 

The Racial Justice Leadership Team provides guidance for the church's commitment to fight for Racial Justice through ongoing changes to the processes of the church, education, advocacy, self-reflection, and relationship building. The team strives to address structural racism and whiteness in the church by using a racial justice lens in every area of our ministry and work. 

The Holiday Giving Team leads the bi-annual effort of our congregation to live out our principles by investigating opportunities to reduce our consumerism during the holidays and re-direct our financial and emotional energies to changing the imbalances in our culture. 

The Environmental Justice Team at First Universalist promotes protection and preservation of our environment, including the climate and all living things, through education, advocacy, witness, and service.
Contemplative Evening Worship this Sunday at 5:30:
Turn - A Meditation in Sound and Silence
Join us for a special worship service that focuses on personal reflection accompanied by poetry, music, and silence at 5:30 p.m. this Sunday, Oct. 25. 
At the changing of the seasons and the light, our paths through life also change. We reach a crossroads: The leaves turn, and we must also turn. We often don't know what form this turn will take; the future is, as always, uncertain. What will change? What will remain? Where are we going? 

Rev. Ruth MacKenzie and Dr. Jerrod Wendland will be assisted by the artistry of Dr. James DeVoll, a flutist who has taught and performed across two continents. The music will include selections by Michio Miyagi, Howard Hanson and Don Pullen.
Turn, Turn Turn: An Interview with Jerrod Wendland
So I understand you've got a special evening service coming up on October 25?

That's right! Rev. Ruth and I have been working on this for a long time, and we're both very excited.

Can you tell me a little more about the service? Will this be a repeat of the service that morning?

Not at all! The Sunday morning services are focused on conveying a certain message, by means of a sermon, guest speakers, and certain hymns. This service is about contemplation. There will be some guidance from the music and the spoken selections, but the overall meaning is open to interpretation: Each person will have to decide for herself!

How did you decide what music to play for the service?

Well, we started out with a loose network of images and ideas - in this case, the turning leaf and, by extension, the changing season. This becomes a metaphor for change and transformation in our own lives: The cycle of death and rebirth in every sense. Once you have an idea for the theme, then you figure out a progression of moods related to that theme. (Yes, designing worship is just like recording an episode of This American Life!) Finally, I look for music that fits with those moods.

But where do you find the music itself? On your bookshelf?

Sometimes I already have copies of things that might fit with the service. Usually, I try to get in a certain mood and then see what I hear in my head; once I have a sound in mind, I see if I can find a piece that sounds like that. That's how I found the two flute pieces on this service: I just heard flute, and started to review the repertoire for that instrument. Sometimes, though, I have to rely on serendipity.

You mean chance?

Chance, serendipity: Tomato, tomahto! I just happened to be working on a project where I listen to all the jazz pianists-

Um, all the jazz pianists?

Well, all the ones that have articles about them on Wikipedia.

Anyway, I just happened to run across the work of Don Pullen, a fantastic pianist from the 60s and 70s who's not very well known anymore. I saw a live performance he did for BET (in the early days of cable) and was absolutely floored by his composition Ode to Life. It's like if Franz Schubert or Richard Strauss came back as a Bebop pianist, plus the blues.

I can only imagine!

Exactly! Anyway, Pullen died far too young in 1995 - 20 years ago. I'm just happy that I found this music and am able to share it with First Universalist.

Well, I look forward to hearing it!

Thank you.

Turn: A Meditation in Sound and Silence will take place in the sanctuary on Sunday, Oct. 25, at 5:30 p.m.
Racial Justice and Our UU Faith Workshop 
Saturday, Oct. 24, 
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
We hope all members and friends will join us for an interactive workshop exploring a framework and tools for understanding race, racism, and whiteness and the spiritual imperative that drives our racial justice work. This is a distilled experience of the 24-hour training offered by Dr. Heather Hackman. To register, please contact Sandy DiNanni at 612-825-1701 or 
Young Families
Halloween Party 
Saturday, Oct. 31, 
9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Come celebrate Halloween and autumn with the littlest members of our church community! Join us for games, music, autumn crafts, and a Halloween costume parade. Enjoy crispy apples, bagels, buttery popcorn and hot cider. All families with children up through 1st grade are invited to attend. This is a wonderful way to connect with other families with young children, while kids make memories and deepen their ties to their church community.
Conversations with the Author: Debby Irving, "Waking Up White" 
"Waking Up White" is Debby Irving's powerful memoir about her journey in understanding what it means to be "White" and her struggle to understand racism and racial tensions.

Tuesday, Nov. 3, 7-9 p.m.
For those who have already read the book, this is an opportunity for deeper conversation. Details
Friday, Nov. 6, 7-9 p.m.
ALL are welcome to this conversation! Details
Daytime Connections: Sweet Fields of Autumn - RSVP Now
We are excited to welcome Minister Emeritus Rev. Kate Tucker for November's Daytime Connections program on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 11 a.m. Rev. Tucker will explore the questions: "If life is about growing, what can growth mean in this season of our lives? What's our hope? What's our gift? What's our task?"

Through Daytime Connections, older adults empower each other to live intentional, joyful, purposeful, and spiritually fulfilled lives. Programs include a presentation, discussion and small meal (a $5 donation is requested for the meal).

Space is very limited for this program and registration getting close to full. After we reach capacity, we'll start a waiting list in case of cancellations. If you are interested in attending, we recommend RSVPing as soon as possible. To RSVP, contact Sandy DiNanni at [email protected] or 612-825-1701. 
Coming of Age Youth Return from Pilgrimage to Boston
First Universalist Coming of Age youth experienced a trip to Walden Pond as part of their pilgrimage to Boston last weekend. View more photos on Facebook
By Rev. Ruth MacKenzie

This past weekend, 16 youth and four adults ventured out on a pilgrimage to Boston and Concord as part of the Coming of Age experience. As Unitarian Universalist pilgrims, we wanted to walk in silence where Henry David Thoreau once took his long hikes around Walden Pond. We wanted to stand in the pulpit of Arlington Church proclaiming our radical faith as William Ellery Channing once did. We wanted to sit in the Boston Common knowing this land was once farmed and hunted by the Pawtucket, the Massachusett, and the Wampanoag until they were starved out, or swindled out of what is now the oldest "city park" in the United States. We wanted to gather in the square where Theodore Park rallied a throng of protestors against the Fugitive Slave Act. 

And we were lucky enough to participate in a discussion with the UUA Board of Trustees about the #blacklivesmatter movement and our corporate/communal support. As pilgrims we asked ourselves, what is the meaning of all this? How does this history relate to me, our church, our denomination? How and why did our faith ancestors jump into the mix of justice, and how or why do we? At our final reflection in Arlington Street Church, youth came away saying things like: Our faith comes from some place. We grow out of Christianity, but we are not limited by it. What we do in this world matters.

As Minister of Coming of Age and a leader of this trip, I say we tried our hand at living deliberately. What a blessing to be part of this church and part of this Coming of Age class.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." - Henry David Thoreau

This pilgrimage was a blessing for everyone involved. Special thanks to Emma Stout who organized the pilgrimage, and led us through the streets of Boston, to Dick Huebner for his thoughtful stories and running shoes (if you want to know the meaning of this, ask him), and to our new, wonderful adviser Taylor Putz whose jokes and playfulness kept us laughing and loving.
Nov. 1 Child Dedication Applications Due Sunday
Unitarian Universalists believe that every child brings new life and hope into the world.
The next Child Dedication will take place on Sunday, Nov. 1 at both services. During the Child Dedication ritual, the congregation pledges itself to partner with and support parents and families in the religious upbringing of the child. Child Dedications take place during Sunday worship services twice a year, in May and November.
Infants and children of members and those on the path to membership at First Universalist Church may be dedicated. If your family would like to participate in a Child Dedication ceremony, please sign up by filling out and submitting the Child Dedication Form. Forms are due to the church office no later than one week before the service (Oct. 25). Please complete a separate form for each child being dedicated.
Questions? Contact Lauren Wyeth, Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries, at 612-825-1701 x111 or [email protected].
Celebrating Strong Women: AUW Fall Retreat
The Association of Universalist Women (AUW) Fall Retreat will be held on Nov. 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at First Universalist Church.

Lori Sturdevant, Star Tribune columnist and award-winning author, will speak on "The Minnesota Women's Movement: Time for a Third Wave?"

Breakout sessions include: Making Paper Beads, The Divine Sisterhood, Documentary: The Price of Sand, Qoya: Wise, Wild and Free, Take a Shamanic Journey, Personal Safety: Proactive vs Reactive, Unleashing the Wild Woman, Emotional Wellness, The Sisterhood of Bellydance, Easy, Healthy Make-ahead Family Meals, and Exploring Intersectionality.

Breakfast and lunch will be served. Cost: AUW members $30, non-members $45. Register at the AUW Desk in the Social Hall on Sundays or contact Ann Styx at 612-325-6747 or [email protected].
Pastoral Care Team Now Accepting Applications
Do you have an open heart, a compassionate presence, a listening ear and a few hours each month to offer? If so,we invite you to consider joining our Pastoral Care Team.
Members of the Pastoral Care Team provide confidential pastoral care to friends and members of our congregation in need of support. They visit at homes, hospitals, and hospice or at the corner coffeeshop. 

Prospective team members will receive a full-day of training in January of 2016, ongoing monthly support with Rev. Jen Crow, and will be commissioned by the congregation in a ceremony that endorses their role in serving our church community. While our ministers will continue to be with members of the congregation in crisis situations, this team will be able to provide continuing care to our growing community and enhance the practical support offered by our Congregational Care team. 

This program was launched at First Universalist last year and emphasizes compassionate presence with each other as a spiritual practice. Team members agree to serve for a two-year term, attend the January training session and monthly meetings. 

For more information, please visit the Pastoral Care page on our website where you can find the application and job description, or contact Andrea Johnson, Pastoral Care Team coordinator, at [email protected]. Applications are due by November 30, 2015.
Join Our Team of Front Desk Office Volunteers!
Are you free on Tuesday afternoons and looking for a rewarding volunteer experience?

The first impression many visitors get of our church is from the smiling faces they see when they walk into our office. We're looking for a friendly and reliable volunteer to join our reception team on Tuesday afternoons. The shift time is noon to 4 p.m.

Represent First Universalist by greeting visitors, answering phones, monitoring doors, and helping staff with projects, all while spending time in a vibrant and welcoming office environment. If you are interested in volunteering or learning more, please contact Chelsea Bertsch, Administrative Assistant, at 612-825-1701 or [email protected].
Cycle of Life and Pastoral Care
A memorial service to celebrate the life of Colleen McCann will be held at church on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 1pm. If you are available to help with the reception, please contact Janet Merrill at [email protected].

Let Us Keep You in Our Thoughts and Prayers
If you are experiencing a crisis or transition, or celebrating a joy, please let us know. To be included in our Cycle of Life each Sunday in worship, contact Sandy DiNanni at [email protected] or 612-825-1701. If you would like support, contact Rev. Jen Crow at [email protected] or 612-825-1701 or any member of our Pastoral Care Team.
Last Chance to View "Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard" Exhibit 
In the Social Hall, Sunday is the last day to view our exhibit of the Hiroshima and 
Nagasaki bombings, the aftermath, and the incredible story of how and why All Souls Unitarian in Washington D.C. got involved, sent school supplies and then received as a thank you pictures of hope from young Japanese school children, grateful to be alive, while still surrounded by the debris of their city.
Congregational Care:
Sunday Flower Distribution
Would you like to help distribute flowers after the Sunday service to a congregant who could use support? Or suggest somebody to receive flowers? Contact Pamela Vincent at 612 615-6085 or [email protected]. (If you want to donate flowers for a Sunday service, you can pick up a form in the church office that explains the procedure.)

Planned Giving at First Universalist
We're asking congregants to consider putting First Universalist in their wills or estate plans. You may think you don't have enough money to bother. Not so. Every bit helps. We like this story: A retired Minnesota teacher once said she didn't have sufficient money to create a library in her name, but she had enough to donate a book. Please let the church office know if you wish to honor the church by including it in your plans, or if you have already done so.
"Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard" 
Saturday, Oct. 24, 2 p.m.
This Saturday at Landmark Center is the last showing of the film "Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard" that was shown at church last month. Larry Long, a musician dedicated to peace and reconciliation, will be there and sing his song about folding peace cranes.  

First Universalist has had 18 of the inspiring and hopeful Japanese children's colorful pictures on display this fall. There are approximately 30 additional ones on display at Landmark Center, only through this weekend. Along with the pictures are other exhibits in remembrance of those whose lives were forever changed by the WWII bombings. 
4th Annual Adoptee Panel
Saturday, Nov. 7, 10 a.m.
Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Community in Minneapolis is hosting its fourth annual adult adoptee panel for two audiences: adoptive and prospective adoptive parents, and adoptees aged 8-14. Each group will gather separately, moderated by an adoption professional, to have the chance to listen to and interact with the panel. When the adoptees are not with the panel, they will be involved in fun, community-building activities. When the adults are not with the panel, they will have an open discussion.  
 A light lunch will be served at noon. Anyone interested in adoption is welcome; RSVP to Gabrielle Dane at [email protected]. More information can be found on their website.
Weekly Liberal Submissions
We encourage you to submit news!
Do you have an announcement or photo that you would like published in The Weekly Liberal? Please fill out our online submission form. Edits for length and/or content may occur.
The Weekly Liberal is compiled and edited by Communications Manager Jenn Stromberg. Past issues, information about publication deadlines, submission requirements, and policies can be found on our website
Contact Us
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408
For staff contact information, please visit our Ministers and Staff page.
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Church Office Hours
8 a.m.-1 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-8 p.m.
Closed Fridays and Saturdays
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408


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