UCSB Engineering and Sciences

Hooray for spring!


The end of the 2014-2015 school year at UC Santa Barbara is rapidly approaching.  Engineering and Science students will be donning their cap and gowns on June 13th.  Come join us on the Lagoon Green to celebrate with them.


We hope that you will visit campus before then to attend our annual business plan competition, "The New Venture Competition," on May 21st and /or come to hear the engineering student teams give their final presentations and share their posters on June 4th and 5th.  Also, this is the time to contact us for final internship or job recruitment needs and/or consider participating with our faculty and graduate students in the development of an entirely new program in network science, funded by the National Science Foundation, to produce diverse thought leaders in this burgeoning field.

In This Issue
the New Venture Competition
Come to Campus to Hear About Student Team Projects
Recruitment of Engineering and Science Students
Get Involved with Training the Network Scientists of Tomorrow

Join the MIT Enterprise Forum of the Central Coast on June 17th for "Seeing Heat:Thermal Vision Everywhere You Look." 

For More Information:
Dr. Leslie Edwards

Chris Russo
Please join us on May 21st
for the New Venture Competition

Thursday, May 21, 2015 from 3:00-6:30 pm, the UC Santa Barbara's Technology Management Program invites you to join us at our 2015 New Venture Competition Finals.  Come celebrate and support new venture creation while listening to some of UC Santa Barbara's most outstanding young entrepreneurs present their ideas and innovations, and meet others in our community who share a passion for business and technology.
The competition takes place at the Corwin Pavilion.  Click here for more details. 

Come See the Student Capstone Projects 

The capstone final presentations day and poster session is an opportunity for you to hear from student teams in Computer Science (June 4th), Computer Engineering (June 4th) and Mechanical Engineering (June 5th) how they developed innovative solutions to real industry problems. Students won't find answers to these problems in a textbook, on a message board, or in off-the-shelf software package -- because students in capstone courses are among the first ever to be able to solve them. Working together with industry leaders, student teams take on the most challenging problems of the day with technological innovation, creativity, and boatloads of hard work. 

The Last 6 Weeks to Gain the Right Interns and/or Employees

Ashley Antoon is the Student Recruitment and Internship Manager for Engineering and the Sciences. Ashley hosts "Tech Talks,"  "Info Sessions," and may have already visited your company to talk about how to obtain our top student across the College of Engineering and the Sciences.  If you have recruitment needs please contact her at (805)893-5497 or antoon@engineering.ucsb.edu


For tips on how to catch the students that best fit your needs please read on- http://industry.ucsb.edu/node/58

How Your Company Can Benefit From UCSB's Expertise in
Network Science

UC Santa Barbara has been awarded an Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT) by the National Science Foundation to produce diverse thought leaders in the burgeoning field of network science. The program will be constructed around the core components of a Network Science Laboratory (NSL), as well as summer internships with industry, new courses, weekly seminars, boot camp, and an innovation program. These weekly seminars, summer internships, and workshops will provide these graduate students with unique professional skills and we want you involved.

For more information contact the Director and Chair of Computer Science, Ambuj Singh

We always appreciate any input you may have on how we can improve, so please don't hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for your continued interest in our program. For further information, please visit the Industry Center website at: www.industry.ucsb.edu

Corporate Programs