UCSB Engineering and Sciences
Corporate Programs Newsletter:
Happy & Lucky Holidays!
Issue 13 Winter 2012

A sincere Happy Holidays from Corporate Programs! As 2012 comes to a close, Corporate Program is pleased to send you the winter edition of our newsletter.
This newsletter highlights the efforts of Corporate Programs to help companies recruit the talent they need.  We also present the Materials Research Laboratory's (MRL) upcoming Materials Outreach Research Program, a list of facilities and equipment for use by industry, and an introduction to the newly appointed coordinator for industry usage of facilities/equipment within the MRL. Finally, we want to recognize the newest member of UCSB's Corporate Affiliates Program, Interlink Electronics.  
                                             glassesCheers to a Happy 2013!
National Academies "Research Council" Rankings
Materials Department    #1
Chemical Engineering    #2
Computer Science         #5
Electrical and Computer
    Engineering              #4
Mechanical Engineering  #8 
In This Issue
How to recruit at UCSB
Materials Research Lab
New Member for Corporate Affiliates Program
Reasons to Celebrate

Th Electrical & Computer Engineering Department turns 50
For information about events

Important Event

2013 Summit on Energy Efficiency is  May 1 & 2
For information about this event
Contact CAP

For More Information:
Dr. Leslie Edwards
Chris Russo
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Careers in Engineering  &  How to recruit at UCSB

The Corporate Affiliates Program (CAP) helps students determine their future career paths. The programs we have created are called "Careers in...."  CAP has hosted "Careers in Aerospace," co-hosted "Careers in Energy/Energy Efficiency" with the Institute for Energy Efficiency, and "Careers in Education" during the first quarter. If you would like to be part of helping engineering and physical science students decide their future career paths please contact us.  

Companies can also contact us to find students for a variety of projects, internships, and jobs by having us host an "Information Session". Companies, regardless of size, are able to reach out to students through these Information Sessions by coming to campus to provide students with information about the company, as well as current and future employment opportunities.

In addition to the "Careers in...," there are also events that examine more specific career skills such as interviewing, resume writing, and even discussing upcoming technology that is emerging within various industries. 

To learn more please  click here.
The Materials Research Lab is a Resource for Industry

Industry is cordially invited to the upcoming Materials Research Outreach Program (MROP 2013) on February 5th and 6th at UCSB's Corwin PavilionThe program will focus on research efforts concerned with the science and engineering of organic-based macromolecules and polymers as well as inorganic materials.  MROP is just one of several endeavors designed to stimulate collaborative relationships between faculty groups at UCSB and industry scientists and engineers under the auspices of our Materials Research Laboratory (MRL), a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center funded by the National Science Foundation.  

The MRL also maintains an impressive array of world-class research instrumentation in eight associated Shared Experimental Facilities, technically staffed and available for use by academic, government, and industry partners.  Their Materials Research Facilities Network Director (mrfn@mrl.ucsb.edu) acts as an initial point of contact for queries about facilities access by external users. To read more about 
the capabilities of MRL facilities click here.  
The Corporate Affiliates Program & its newest member, Interlink Electronics 
The Corporate Affiliates Program provides corporations with insightful access to campus faculty, students, strategic planning for heightened corporate visibility, and other key tools for success between industry and the university. A  number of companies have benefited from being a member.  Our newest member is Interlink Electronics, which is a global leader in the design of Force-Sensing ResistorŪ (FSRŪ) technology and a pioneer in printed electronics. For over 27 years, their solutions have focused on handheld user input, menu navigation, cursor control, & other intuitive interface technology for the world's top electronics manufacturers. We welcome Interlink the the CAP program.
Interlink CAP member
We always appreciate any input you may have on how we can improve, so please don't hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for your continued interest in our program. For further information, please visit the Industry Center website at: www.industry.ucsb.edu

The Corporate Affiliates Program