Global Rotation-Squared beats benchmarks at 1-year milestone


Strategy Spotlight:  Global Rotation-Squared 

In 2013, we launched our Tactical Global Strategy known as Global Rotation-Squared.  The strategy seeks to provide investors with the capital appreciation normally associated with a global mix of equities, while maintaining the ability to move to fixed income for downside risk protection.  This long-only ETF model can vary its equity investments from 0% to 100% of the portfolio, using monthly and quarterly rotations with an annual rotation overlay.


Since inception, this strategy has generated a high level of interest among the advisors we talk to.  Many have voiced an interest, but wanted to see the strategy build a solid live track record first.  To that end, we are excited to show what the strategy has done since crossing the 1-year milestone on 5/31/2014:



(Source:  Optimus & Morningstar.  Download fact sheet for details.)  
Recently, Morningstar created mutual fund and ETF benchmark category averages for Tactical Allocation.  We feel those benchmarks are very appropriate for what we are trying to achieve with Global Rotation-Squared.

Solid backtested results caused the initial interest

As was previously mentioned, since its release the strategy has generated many inquiries from advisors.  What caused that activity?  The strong backtested results coupled with continued strong live results:

(Source:  Optimus & Morningstar.  Live results since 6/1/2013.)  


What's Under The Hood?  


  • Emotionless Investing - systematic, rules-based investment methodology  
  • Growth - utilizes "Smart-Beta" ETFs such as Pure Style & Low Volatility  
  • Capital Preservation - timely moves to fixed income to reduce portfolio volatility
If you're looking for a global allocation strategy but are concerned about downside risk, we believe our Global Rotation-Squared strategy makes a lot of sense, especially after a 5-year bull run.


Find Out More


We invite you to visit our website for more details regarding all of our strategies.  Additionally, there is nothing like a one-on-one conversation to get a complete understanding of how our strategies work.  Give us a call - we'll be happy to answer all of your questions. 



For full details on each of our strategies, including fact sheets, please visit our website. 


Please call us directly:

(877) 885-7468 


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Optimus Advisory Group's Mission
Optimus Advisory Group seeks to create liquid alternative and tactical investment strategies that meet the needs of our advisor clients.  We use a disciplined, quantitative methodology to build and manage our portfolios.  Over a full market cycle, these strategies are designed to provide superior risk-adjusted returns while maintaining a low-correlation to traditional market indices. 


Our strategies are available on the following platforms:

  • TD Ameritrade, Schwab, Fidelity & Pershing via Placemark Investments' UMA platform 
  • Trust Company of America
  • FTJ FundChoice (Crown Capital Securities & LPL Hybrid RIAs) 
  • Sawtooth Asset Management (Concorde Investment Services) 
  • FOLIOfn (Newport Coast Securities) 

Advisors looking for expert advice on how best to utilize alternative and tactical investment strategies in their practice can access our investment consulting and research.  We provide guidance in the following areas:

  • Strategy Integration - Show you how our alternative and tactical strategies can fit into your existing client portfolios to better their risk/reward profile.
  • Asset Allocation Modeling - Create multi-strategy asset allocation models that combine the benefits of traditional core holdings and alternative/tactical strategies.
  • Custom Strategies - Create customized alternative and/or tactical strategies to fit the specific needs of your clientele.

Strategy License Agreement

Advisors wanting to directly manage their own client accounts can access our liquid alternative and tactical strategies through a Strategy License Agreement.  For a monthly asset-based fee, we will provide the trade instructions generated by our proprietary mathematical algorithms.


Benefits of a Strategy License Agreement

  • Simplicity - Your client accounts can stay where they are.  There is no need to transfer assets to a new platform or custodian.
  • Cost Effective - A Strategy License Agreement is the most cost effective way to access our alternative and tactical strategies.
  • Month to Month - There is no long-term commitment.
  • Control - You maintain complete control over your client accounts.   

For more information about any of our programs, please contact us.  You may also download the fact sheets for any of our investment strategies on our website.  Each fact sheet contains strategy descriptions, performance results, backtesting research, disclaimers and disclosures for each model.


Thank you for your interest in our investment strategies.  We'll continue to keep you informed.




Optimus Advisory Group
6 Venture, Suite 200

Irvine, CA  92618 

(877) 885-7468
(949) 727-4734


Advisory services offered through Optimus Advisory Group,
a registered investment advisor.

The performance results shown include the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. Comparison of the Optimus Advisory Group Programs to any other indices is for illustrative purposes only and the volatility of the indices used for comparison may be materially different from the volatility of the Optimus Advisory Group Programs due to varying degrees of diversification and/or other factors. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will be profitable. Optimus Advisory Group does not make any representation that the Optimus Advisory Group Programs will or are likely to achieve returns similar to those shown in the performance results in this presentation. Optimus Advisory Group reserves the right to trade different funds within their models.   


The historical S&P performance results (and those of all other indices and index funds used as proxies for indices) are provided exclusively for comparison purposes only, so as to provide general comparative information to assist an individual client or prospective client in determining whether the performance of the Optimus' portfolio meets, or continues to meet, his/her investment objective(s). It should not be assumed that any Optimus portfolio holdings will correspond directly to any such comparative index.    


Different types of investments and/or investment strategies involve varying levels of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investment strategies devised or undertaken by Optimus Advisory Group) will be profitable for a client's or prospective client's portfolio. All performance results have been compiled solely by Optimus Advisory Group and have not been independently verified.   


The Optimus performance results do not reflect the impact of taxes.