Friday, Aug 21

Friday Eve Services 7:30pm

Candle Lighting 7:54pm
Shabbat, Aug 22
Morning Services 9:00am
Mincha / Maariv 7:50pm
Havdallah 8:53pm
Sunday, Aug 23
Morning Services 8:30am
Mincha / Maariv 7:50pm 

Weekday Services
Morning Services 7:15am
Mincha / Maariv 7:50pm




Rabbi Dovid & Simma (Krames) Sudaley and family on the loss on their beloved father, father-in-law Bernard Sudaley a'h
Dovid will be sitting shiva at 101 Milcroft in Thornhill until Sunday night.



Join the JCC for carnival games, food, Airbounce Amusements and more at their End of Summer BBQ
The festivities will begin at 6pmAugust 26, at 1030 Lower Lions Club Rd., Ancaster. 
Please RSVP by August 20th by calling

Short Vort:  Watch Your Step!
One of the most impressive artefacts in the ancient world was the throne of King Solomon. The ascent to his throne was marked by six glorious steps. Each step was bedecked with golden statues that would propel the King effortlessly to the next elevation. Carved on each step was a Torah axiom that portrayed a philosophical underpinnings of his leadership.

Etched onto the fifth step was the prohibition of erecting a "matzeivah" - a one stone altar (Devarim 16:22). It seems strange that King Solomon, the wisest man in history, would consider the construction of multi-stone altars as a cornerstone of his political philosophy. To confound matters, the Patriarch Jacob, himself, worshiped in this fashion!

Perhaps the answer is metaphoric. An altar is the point in the universe where God and man intersect. When we stand before God, we can never stand alone. Our strength and worth stem from the collective. Jacob was a trailblazer. He faced an often hostile world and stood alone by necessity. He had no choice but to worship on a one stone altar.

Once the Nation of Israel is born, one stone alters are anathema. Before God... united we must stand. An important lesson for both Kings and commoners. (See Shem Meshmuel, Shoftim 5670)

Shabbat Shalom!  Rabbi Daniel Green
Click here to comment or to view other "Short Vorts"
Rosh Hashanah is coming...

Come experience an authentic traditional Rosh Hashanah dinner with your Adas family! Featuring all of the special holiday foods & a warm, friendly family atmosphere.

Rosh Hashanah 5776, 2nd night - September 14th
Mincha / Maariv - 7:05pm
Community Dinner - 7:30pm

RSVP Required. 
Click here to reserve now!
Register Now!
Hamilton Hebrew Academy Registration 2015 / 2016

The HHA Staff is gearing up for another successful year full of learning and growing! 

For more information or to download forms, click here or contact Rebecca Shapiro, Director of admissions at or call 905-528-0330 ex 25.

HHA Families (and perspective families)
are invited to 
HHA's Welcome & Welcome Back BBQ
- Spend time with friends
- Greet new families
- Meet the teachers & staff
- Eat yummy food!
- Games & more!
Drop Shadow Accent Image
Hamilton Hebrew High Registration 2015 / 2016
For all Jewish students in Grades 8 - 12
Classes begin Wednesday, September 9th

For more information or to download registration form & calendar, click here .

For more information regarding enrollment, contact:
Racheli Kirat, Educational Director by leaving a message at 905-528-0039 or e-mailing
Adas Youth
Shabbat at the Adas




Child Care in Playschool Room (18mo.- 5yrs.) 9:30-11:35am (approx.)