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services & candle side bar  

Friday, July 12th

Candle Lighting 8:41pm

Earliest Lighting: 7:23pm

Mincha / Maariv 7:00pm


Shabbat, July 13th

  Morning Services 9:00am  

Mincha / Maariv 8:35pm

Shabbat ends 9:41pm


Sunday, July 14th
Shacharit 8:30am
Mincha / Maariv 8:40pm
Monday, July 15th
Erev Tisha B'av
Shacharit 7:15am
  Mincha / Maariv 8:40pm
Fast Begins 8:56pm
Eicha (Jeremiah's Book of Lamentations) 9:00pm
Tuesday, July 16th
Tisha B'av
Shacharit 6:45am
Mid Day 1:26pm
Mincha 2:00pm & 8:30pm
Maariv 8:55pm
Fast Ends 9:03pm  
Weekday Services
Shacharit 7:15am
Mincha / Maariv 8:35pm


announcements side bar revised


Mazal Tov



Debbie & Marty Strub on the engagement of their son Joshua to Lauren Chad daughter of Claudia & Rick Chad. Proud grandparents, Gordon & Jeannine Sugarman, Leo & Isabel Strub, Sarah Chad & Cyril Wolfe. The families also remember at this time the late Betsy Sugarman, Nathan Chad & Doreen Wolfe of blessed memory.


Ray & Shelly Greenspon on the engagement of their son, Lewis, to Jackie Misshula of Vancouver

Daughter of Louis & Laurie Misshula.

in the community


Camp Kadimah
Sponsor Some Sunshine!
 (We need your help!!) 
Please help send a child to Camp Kadimah
Every summer, the Jewish Community Centre and UJA of Hamilton provide camperships to many children whose families are financially unable to manage the cost of day camp.  For these children, attending day camp provides them with contact to the Jewish Community during the summer.  your support, in any amount, will allow us to continue and expand this proud and important tradition of helping children in our community.  Please contact the JCC at 905 648 0605 if you would like to help, or please send a cheque directly to the JCC at 1030 Lower Lions Club Road, Hamilton PO Box 81203, L9G 4X1

B'nai Brith Hamilton

Bowl Mondays with the B'nai Brith Hamilton Mixed League starting this fall.  Singles and couples are welcome.  8 pm at Skyway Lanes from September through April. We also bowl on a casual basis at 7:30 on select Monday's during the summer. To find out what specific night and to get more information call Vera Chaimovitz at 905-627-0944 or click here to e-mail her or Ray Greenspon at 905-528-2952 or e-mail him by  clicking here.


Bowl Wednesdays with the Hamilton B'nai Brith Men's League at Burlington Bowl. The League includes men from their late 20's into their 70's bowling each week at 8 pm. Each week you will be teamed with a different league member.  For more information call Morley Weinberg at 905-627-1358 or e-mail him by clicking here or Gary Burnstein at 905-849-7452 or e-mail him by clicking here.




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Helicopter Parenting

"Helicopter parenting" is a term that describes parents who constantly hover over their children and micro-managing their choices in life.  Recent studies have shown that good parenting requires giving children the space to make mistakes. (NYT, May 2013)


Our tradition understood this. The Torah describes how the generation of the Exodus squandered their opportunity to enter the Promised Land.  They decided to send spies into the land only to be swayed by the negative report.  The Torah implies that God disapproved of the spy expedition from the outset.  Yet, he permitted history to take its course.  The Nation would have to learn from their own mistakes.


This may be one of the earliest references on the dangers of helicopter parenting.  Growth requires space. When you care, it may be tough to hold back - but sometimes helping hurts.


Shabbat Shalom! - Rabbi Green       To comment or read more click here.
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Adas Israel Sisterhood'

Ladies Night Out with Pazit Smillie is postponed till after all of the high holidays. details to follow.

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Tisha B'avTisha B'av Video Presentations
Tuesday July 16th

This Tisha B'Av, on the day of the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash (the Jerusalem Temple) and the first and second Jewish Commonwealth, join with tens of thousands of Jews across the globe as we learn to recognize the impact and take control of the everyday decisions that define us.
At this year's world-wide video presentation, sponsored by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, tens of thousands of Jews will hear "Step by Step, Choice by Choice." This presentation will highlights the power each individual exerts over his personal reality, and our collective destiny, through the words and deeds he chooses each day. 
Presentation times:  2:30pm  (Part 1),  6:30pm (Part 2)
For more information on the world wide event  click here.
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Tisha B'av Overview: 
(See time schedule on side-bar to left)

I.  Tisha B'av in History 


On Tisha B'Av, many national calamities occurred:

  • During the time of Moses, Jews in the desert accepted the slanderous report of the 12 Spies, and the decree was issued forbidding them from entering the Land of Israel. (1312 BCE)
  • The First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, led by Nebuchadnezzar. 100,000 Jews 
    were slaughtered and millions more exiled. (586 BCE)
  • The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans, led by Titus. Some two million Jews died,
    and another one million were exiled. (70 CE)
  • The Bar Kochba revolt was crushed by Roman Emperor Hadrian. The city of Betar -- the Jews'
     last stand against the Romans -- was captured and liquidated. Over 100,000 Jews were 
    slaughtered. (135 CE).
  • The Temple area and its surroundings were ploughed under by the Roman general Turnus 
    Rufus. Jerusalem was rebuilt as a pagan city -- renamed Aelia Capitolina -- and access was
    forbidden to Jews.
  • The Spanish Inquisition culminated with the expulsion of Jews from Spain on Tisha B'Av in 
  • World War One broke out on the eve of Tisha B'Av in 1914 when Germany declared war on 
    Russia. German resentment from the war set the stage for the Holocaust.
  • On the eve of Tisha B'Av 1942, the mass deportation began of Jews from the Warsaw 
    Ghetto, en route to Treblinka.


II.  Expressions of Mourning:

1. Parameters of Fast

Refrain from eating or drinking from Monday, July 15th at 8:56 until July 16th at 9:03pm.  Those who are ill are often required to eat.  Please consult a rabbi for the best possible procedures.  A woman within 30 days after birth need not fast.  Medicine may be taken on Tisha B'Av (preferably without water). In case of great discomfort, the mouth may be rinsed with water. Great care should be taken not to swallow when rinsing. (MB 567:11)


2. Other prohibitions:
  • Bathing or washing, except for removing specific dirt. Upon rising in the morning, before prayers, or after using the bathroom, one washes only the fingers.
  • Anointing oneself for pleasure. (Deodorant is permitted.)
  • Having marital relations.
  • Wearing leather shoes.
  • Learning Torah, since this is a joyful activity. It is permitted to learn texts relevant to TishaB'Av and mourning.
  • Sitting no higher than a foot off the ground. After midday, (1:25 pm) one may sit on a chair.
  • Not engaging in business or other distracting labours, unless it will result in a substantial loss.
  • Refraining from greeting others or offering gifts.
  • Avoiding idle chatter or leisure activities.
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Ladies Tehillim Group
Our Ladies Tehillim Group has been reinvigorated and is now meeting more frequently.
If you would like to join this group, receive e-mails about  Shemirat Halashon (positive speech), or have the name of someone added to the Tefillah (prayer) list, please e-mail Joy Zians at t.w.o@adasisrael.ca(For confidentiality purposes, when adding a name to the list, please ask for consent from the person.)
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In Search of Kidney Donors


A valued member of our community, Arie Pekar has inherited a genetic disorder from his mother Ilana (who is also in need of a kidney donation).  Since his diagnosis at the age of 21, the disease has slowly worn away at his kidney function.  He finds himself today, at age 35, needing a kidney transplant.  This past week he began dialysis - the same week his new baby son came into this world. 

If you would like to get tested to see if your kidney may be a match for Arie or his mother Ilana, please email them at MomAndMeNeedAKidney@gmail.com . As well, please follow them on facebook www.facebook.com/MomAndMeNeedAKidney

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Hamilton Kosher
Food Bank


We are proud to have a Kosher Food Bank that helps Jewish families in Hamilton and neighboring Jewish communities.

The food bank is currently running low. 

Items that are needed on a regular basis include, tuna fish, instant coffee, crackers, dish-washing detergent, cereals, peanut butter, jams, soap, shampoo, deodorant, boxed soups, tomato sauce & toilet paper.

As well, for A minimum of $50 a month you can become a member of the "chicken club," where you will supply a kosher chicken to a family every Shabbat. All receipts are tax deductible.  All donations are welcome! No donation is too small.

To make a donation call 905-627-9922 ex 21 
or send a check to:
Hamilton Jewish Social Services
30 King St E, Dundas, Ontario L9H 5G6

If it is easier, checks can be dropped off to Hamilton Kosher, the JCC or at the Shul office.

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The New  Hamilton Jewish Community phone book coming!


The former Hadassa-Wizo phone book is now a project of the JCC of Hamilton & Area. It will be going to press very soon. If you would like to update or submit your address & phone #, please do so by June 14th. For advertising inquiries or to update your address & phone #, e-mail jccphonebook@gmail.com or call Laura Laengerer at (905) 648-0605 ext. 308

adas youth divider
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Hebrew Village Sunday School
Sunday Mornings @10:00am 


Aleph Champ - Hebrew Ulpan for kids

Wednesday Nights @6:30pm       


Shabbat Morning Youth Groups  

Look out in the main minyan for A-Yo's M.V.Ps of the week who will lead the congregation in some familiar prayers. A-YOs got talent! E-mail ayo@adasisrael.ca to get with the program.


Shabbat Youth Groups, Hebrew Village & Aleph Champs are on Summer Vacation.

Contact Rabbi Barak Tsaidi for information about our fall session by e-mailing ayo@adasisrael.ca