Gone Fishing
If you happen to get a busy signal, it might be because the salmon run charts show a big surge of sockeye running up the river, or possibly it is a great tide for the favorite halibut hole. Come on now, admit it. You were probably checking some of your favorite fishing and camping sites or maybe the weather site when this email beeped into your inbox. Well, don't feel too guilty. It is the time of year we Alaskans love to get out and play and the Sundog team is right beside you. No, really, we might be right beside you :)
Somehow though, we are still managing to get some great work done. A heartfelt "Thank You!" goes out to our customers who give us the work so we can afford to fill our gas tanks on the way down the road and out to sea.
Be safe out there and make memories that last a life time.
Joe Law
PS. First fish addict that responds and says - I need a coffee so I can stay awake - gets a $15 Starbucks gift card :)