Shiny New Logo

There is a saying, "If I'd had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter," and when it comes to logo design, this principle of less is usually the best path. 

A Sundog is actually very challenging to design; after all, it is a reflection of the sun.  How does one design reflection and light?  In case you are wondering what a Sundog is, here is a LINK to a really amazing one.  You can see the diamond shape really well in this picture.  

One little Easter egg about our company name we did not realize until years later is that spelled backwards it reads, "God N Us."  You have to admit, pretty cool.  

The first to respond to this newsletter and ask for one will receive a brand new Sundog shirt!
The New Sundog on the Block: Shannon Pretzel

As a new Sundog, I am very excited to learn more about all the great customers we serve and all the up-and-coming technology we offer. It always feels like working in slow motion when I start a new job: so many things to learn and so many questions I'm embarrassed to ask, that everything takes a coon's age to finish. However, for me, that is always the best way to learn: hands on and hands dirty!

Mobile Friendly

Since 1974, Guardian Security Systems has been standing watch over Alaska by providing the only full-service security services available. One of their main objectives is to provide their clients with the best security service and they have stepped up their website's mobile readiness as a way to meet and exceed this objective.

A Psalm For You




Who established the mountains by His strength. 

Being clothed with power; 

You who still the noise of the seas, 

The noise of their waves, 

And the tumult of the peoples. 


Psalm 65:6-7




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