Share your Sundog photos!
| We love looking at Sundog photos, so if you have any you'd like to share with us, please visit our Facebook page and post them!
A Psalm For You
| I will be filled with joy because of You. I will sing praises to your Name, O Most High. Psalm 9:2
Inspirational Quote
| "I'm not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." |
How building a website & a tree house are alike
Cathy and I have been talking about building the boys a tree house for about 5 years now and this spring (Hard to really call it spring, right?) I finally got out the paper and pencil and started sketching out some ideas. Like all of my projects it grew from your more standard and simple tree house into a scaled-down version of a forest service cabin 8 feet off the ground! >> Read more
Celebrating 7 years in our home office project
The summer of 2006 was a very special time for our family and for Sundog Media. After working from a bedroom for about 6 months I was going nuts and I hatched a plan to tear the roof off my garage and build a new 500 sq.ft. office above it. The first 8 years of Sundog Media was spent in a detached garage that was converted with the help of my friend, Jeff Carlisle. So it only seemed fitting that this time "we're movin' on up" as The Jefferson's theme song said, to a "deluxe office in the sky". And that's what what we did. >> Read more
Congrats Pat's Backcountry Beverages on your national press!
Our friends at Pat's Backcountry Beverages have recently been featured in two national magazines!
In Outside magazine's May 2013 issue, in the article, Pat's Backcountry Beverages Carbonator and in Popular Science's May 2013 article, BeerSci: Anywhere Beer.
Congratulations to you and your team, Pat! That exposure has to be almost as good as your carbonated beverages! :-)
- The Sundog Team
Website redesign for Immanuel Baptist Church
Utilizing the Outreach theme from StudioPress, Sundog Media gave the website a much needed face-lift. >> Read more
WordPress Is Taking Over THE WORLD!
A Recent Sundog Sighting in Barrow, Alaska!
![A Sundog seen from the Top of the World Hotel in Barrow, Alaska!]( | A Sundog seen from the Top of the World Hotel in Barrow, Alaska! |
Thanks Mark Standley for sending us these Sundog photos!
>> Find out more about Sundog Sightings
Obviously, we love looking at Sundog photos, so if you have any you'd like to share with us, please visit our Facebook page and post them!