Top  Have a wonderful day..
Thought For The Day  
Thursday 10 April 2014
Fragrance always clings to the
hand that gives you roses.

 Chinese Proverb 


        Bananas First Arrive In Britain             
"This Day" 1633              

      Week Ending 11 Apr

           Published by Yes Let's Help 

Bananas Cause Trouble
Despicable Me - Mini-Movie 'Banana' Preview
Despicable Me - Mini-Movie 'Banana' Preview
Quirky Quips by David Cummings


My life has a superb cast.

I just can't work out the plot.

60 Seconds of Robert Brault Quotes :)
Robert Brault Quotes
Robert Brault Quotes
Orange County Police Car Chase
Orange County Police Car Chase - Benny Hill Themed
Orange County Police Car Chase - Benny Hill Themed

Check Out The Stylish & Historic Sydney QVB

Sydney - Queen Victoria Building
Sydney - Queen Victoria Building

Oh For A Jack Russell Like This

Useful Dog Tricks 3 performed by Jesse
Useful Dog Tricks 3 performed by Jesse
  Healthy Homes Australia
Healthy Homes Australia
    Book Depository 
Book Depository

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About Us


Thought For The Day is an initiative of Yes Let's Help and is published Monday to Friday throughout the year to help raise awareness and funds for our Supported Charities.

