Top  Have a wonderful day..
Thought For The Day  
Thursday 13 February 2014
Saddle your dreams
before you ride them.

 Mary Webb 


           Stolen Generation Apology               
"This Day" 2008              

      Week Ending 14 Feb

           Published by Yes Let's Help 

Stolen Generation Apology
On this day | 13th February 2008 | Kevin Rudd apologises to Australia's stolen generations
On this day | 13th February 2008 | Kevin Rudd apologises to Australia's stolen generations
Quirky Quips by David Cummings


I will always cherish the original

misconceptions I had about you.

The "Evolution Song" 530,000+ views
Horrible Histories Charles Darwin Evolution song
Horrible Histories Charles Darwin Evolution song
7 Things You Can Learn From Nelson Mandela
7 Things You Can Learn From Nelson Mandela's Life
7 Things You Can Learn From Nelson Mandela's Life

Unbelievable Card Trick

The Ellen DeGeneres Show; James Galea Pt.2; 03/16/2010
The Ellen DeGeneres Show; James Galea Pt.2; 03/16/2010

The End of The Great Wall of China

  Healthy Homes Australia
Healthy Homes Australia
    Book Depository 
Book Depository

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Thought For The Day is an initiative of Yes Let's Help and is published Monday to Friday throughout the year to help raise awareness and funds for our Supported Charities.

