Top  Have a wonderful day..
Thought For The Day  
Wednesday 13 November 2013
Autumn is a second spring,
with every leaf a flower.
Albert Camus
        Robert Louis Stevenson Born          |   
"This Day" 1850              

      Week Ending 15 Nov

           Published by Yes Let's Help

I Have A Little Shadow 
My shadow - Robert Louis Stevenson, a Poem
My shadow - Robert Louis Stevenson, a Poem
Quirky Quips by David Cummings


Oh No! Not another learning experience!

Neil Young Plays Heart of Gold
Neil Young, Heart of gold (unplugged)
Neil Young, Heart of gold (unplugged)

Mr Bean Demonstrates Multitasking

Mr Bean - Drives to the Dentist
Mr Bean - Drives to the Dentist

Drink Your Milk Kids

Milk Builds Strong Bones
Milk Builds Strong Bones

Baby Responds To Mother's Song

Emotional baby! Too cute!
Emotional baby! Too cute!
  Healthy Homes Australia
Healthy Homes Australia
    Book Depository 
Book Depository

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About Us

Thought For The Day is an initiative of Yes Let's Help It is published Monday to Friday 52 weeks a year and allows readers to keep up to date with community events and also support their chosen Charities & Good Causes.
