TopGreetings!  Have a wonderful day..
Thought For The Day  
Wednesday 30 October 2013
It is easier to guard a sack full
of fleas than a girl in love.
            War of The Worlds Panic             |   
"This Day" 1938              

      Week Ending 1 Nov

           Published by Yes Let's Help


Orson Welles On War of The Worlds - 1938

Orson Welles on War of the Worlds
Orson Welles on War of the Worlds
Quirky Quips by David Cummings


My fake plants died because

I forgot to pretend to water them.


It's Only Logical

The Two Ronnies - The Confusing Library
The Two Ronnies - The Confusing Library
Cuban Missile Crisis Address    
Kennedy addresses the nation on the Cuban Missile Crisis
Kennedy addresses the nation on the Cuban Missile Crisis

Picasso In Pastels

Abstract Art: Pablo Picasso Self-Portraits
Abstract Art: Pablo Picasso Self-Portraits
Vonnegut Back By Popular Request
Sunscreen Speech - Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen!
Sunscreen Speech - Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen!
But there is some dispute over who really wrote it.
  Healthy Homes Australia
Healthy Homes Australia
    Book Depository 
Book Depository

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Thought For The Day is an initiative of Yes Let's Help It is published Monday to Friday 52 weeks a year and allows readers to keep up to date with community events and also support their chosen Charities & Good Causes.
