TopGreetings!  have a wonderful day..
Thought For The Day  
 Wednesday 26 June 2013
  When people fear the government there
is tyranny. When the government
fears the people there is liberty.

Lesula Monkey
             First French Grand Prix                |   
"This Day" 1906            

ArchivesYes Let's Help       
     Week Ending 28 June

           Published by Yes Let's Help

America For Those In A Rush

Short of time and looking for a quick way to get a handle on the USA?
Right mouse click and download the image.
Time Poor USA
Quirky Quips by David Cummings


Of course I'd like to help you out,

which way did you come in?


Now This Is Proper Dancing

The Tiller Girls at The London Palladium

The Tiller Girls at

The London Palladium


Hot on the heels of yesterday's clip about Fik Shun (see below) comes an email saying it's not proper dancing and suggesting we should publish a clip showing real dancing.


Not just suggesting, but also enclosing a link to illustrate the point.


We immediately anticipated a waltz, tango, cha-cha or quickstep. But we were wrong.


Included was a clip of the Tiller Girls performing at the London Palladium.


Oh how times have changed!! -


Satire aside the Tiller Girls were among the most popular dance troupes of the 1900s and were formed by John Tiller in Manchester, England, in 1890.


Tiller found that by linking arms the dancers could dance as one; he is credited with inventing precision dance.


Over time they became resident dancers at the Folies Berg�re in Paris, the London Palladium, the Palace Theatres in Manchester and in London and the Blackpool Winter Gardens, on New York's Broadway.


Ready to reminisce? Click Here


So You Think You Can Dance Amazes Again

DuShaunt "Fik-Shun" Stegall - So You Think You Can Dance

Season 10 (LA Audition)

So You Think You Can Dance premiered on July 20, 2005 with over ten million viewers and ended the summer season as the top-rated show on television.


It was created by American Idol producers Simon Fuller and Nigel Lythgoe and the first season was hosted by current American news personality Lauren S�nchez.


Since the second season, it has been hosted by former British children's television personality and one-time game show MC Cat Deeley. During its second season, the program remained the No. 1 rated summer show for adults aged 18-49.


The series was created to rejuvenate the visibility and appreciation of dance as an art form in the U.S. and to give exposure to struggling dancers.


Series judge Mary Murphy says, "Of course you hope you can make a living at it, because you don't want to give up on something that you do, but the honest truth is most dancers have to carry one or two jobs and dance as much as they can on the side -- it's a very lucky dancer who gets a full scholarship."


Season 10 commenced on 14 May 2013 and true to form included exceptional and novel artists including Du-Shaunt Stegall who dances under the name "Fik=Shun"


You've got to see it to believe it so Click Here 


World's Busiest Artificial Waterway
Summer 2008 - Kiel Canal Transit
Summer 2008 - Kiel Canal Transit


The Kiel Canal is a 98-kilometre long canal in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein that links the North Sea at Brunsb�ttel to the Baltic Sea at Kiel-Holtenau.


An average of 460 nautical kilometres is saved by using the Kiel Canal instead of going around the Jutland Peninsula.


It not only saves time but also avoids potentially dangerous storm-prone seas. According to the canal's website, it is the busiest artificial waterway in the world with over 43,000 vessels passed through it in 2007. And that's excluding small craft!


The first connection between the North and Baltic Seas was constructed while the area was ruled by Denmark-Norway and was called the Eider Canal because it used stretches of the Eider River for the link between the two seas.


It was completed during the reign of Christian VII of Denmark in 1784 and was just 29 metres wide and 10 metres deep, limiting the vessels that could use the canal to 300 tonnes displacement.


Before the first canal goods had to be moved overland and the people who owned this short land crossing had huge economic power. Indeed it was home to some of the richest people in Europe.


Imagine the strategic advantage they had in a far north environment with long cold winters, when the alternative was a long journey north.


Construction of the present canal began and took over 9,000 workers eight years to build and was opened on 20 June 1895. The opening of the canal was filmed by British director Birt Acres and surviving footage of this early film is preserved in the Science Museum in London.


To see modern day footage about the canal Click Here


Celebrating Vegemite & "That Tune"
Vegemite - Treaused Australian TV commercial
Vegemite - Treasured Australian TV commercial


Famous throughout the world Vegemite is loved or hated by millions and has even been listed along with sharks as one of 10 reasons not to visit Australia.


This love hate relationship was started by Frank Walker and Co way back in 1922, so Aussies have now been indulging their passion for over 90 years.


Sadly the product is now owned by the very Un-Australia company Kraft Foods, based in Northfield Illinois in the US of A.


Interestingly though the CEO is one John Cahill, namesake of the famous New South Wales premier after whom the Cahill Expressway was named.


For those who love vegemite, and even for those who don't, here is Australia's "Happy Little Vegemite" jingle.


To go ahead, listen and then try not to sing along Click Here


The Richest Square Mile On Earth?


Super pit blast kalgoorlie Perfect timing

Super pit blast Kalgoorlie

Perfect timing

In January 1893, prospectors Patrick (Paddy) Hannan, Tom Flanagan, and Dan O'Shea were travelling to Mount Youle when one of their horses cast a shoe.


During the halt in their journey, the men noticed signs of gold in the area, and decided to stay put.


On 17 June 1893, Hannan filed a Reward Claim, leading to hundreds of men swarming to the area in search of gold and Kalgoorlie, originally called Hannan's, was born.


By 1898 the population of the town was 2,018, consisting of 1516 males and 502 females. Challenging numbers for anyone running a Bachelors' & Spinsters' Ball.


The mining of gold, along with other metals such as nickel, has been a major industry in Kalgoorlie ever since and today employs about one-quarter of Kalgoorlie's workforce and generates a significant proportion of its income.


The concentrated area of large gold mines surrounding the original Hannan find is often referred to as the Golden Mile, and is considered by some to be the richest square mile of earth on the planet.


Today's mining methods are a far cry from those of yesteryear as can be seen from the accompanying video clip. To view Click Here


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