South Whidbey School District News

                            June 2016 

  We hope you will utilize our website for all of your school news and updates.  Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions.
Important Dates to Remember
June 17th - Early Release Schedule
June 20th - Last Day of School..........EARLY RELEASE SCHEDULE

September 6th - 1st Day Back to School - Early Release Schedule
September 7th - Early Release Schedule

Have a wonderful summer!
Message from Superintendent Moccia
Our school year is winding down as our last day of school is June 20th! We have had a wonderful year, full of many successes! Thank you for supporting our ongoing levy by voting yes. Thank you for coming to concerts and open house gatherings as well as our showcase evenings. Thank you for coming to sporting events, board meetings and forums. Our parents and community members support our schools and our students benefit. Thank you for all you do for our district!

Our teachers continue to engage in Professional Learning Communities and are always working to improve and refine their craft. Administrators will attend a conference together in Spokane this summer in preparation for a new school year. Our Board of Directors will be training in November.  This type of work helps us to continuously improve our district on behalf of our students.

This past May we held a Community Forum on "Future Planning for the District". 

Mark your calendars!

The upcoming community meetings for brainstorming and planning for the future of our school district  
September 21st 2016
October 19th 2016
December 7th 2016
January 8th 2017

For now, enjoy the last few days of school and the summer, and come back refreshed and ready for another great year!

Jo Moccia, Superintendent

South Whidbey Elementary School

South Whidbey Elementary School Musical - "Character Matters!"
What a great bunch of actors! 


These three awesome women made the SWES Musical "Character Matters!" a hit! They made sure each student had an amazing experience in the theater arts that they will never forget.
Great job Val Brown, Caryn Pl
oof and Susan Ritzner!    


The fifth graders were able to go on a whale watching trip thanks to a generous grant from the South Whidbey Schools Foundation.



Do you have a poem in your pocket?

Fourth graders reading poetry with high school students and our superintendent.



Registration is very important this time of year.  It allows the school to place students into classrooms and project the number of teachers that are needed for the fall.  If you have questions about registration please contact the school office at 360-221-4600.

So many great things are happening at our school!


Have a great summer!
Langley Middle School

Langley Middle School Science Projects.
Nice work!

Math Counts at LMS!

7th Grade Trip to Deer Lake 
Kayaks and Service Project

(Check out the link above for more pictures...)

South Whidbey High School
Congratulations to the class of 2016!
Go Big Blue!
South Whidbey High School National Honors Society Inductees! 



Our awesome, talented Jazz Band!

South Whidbey High School Academic Awards
Congratulations to the Class of 2016!

Elementary students are looking at kale flowers and finding tiny parts that help flowers reproduce. They had magnifiers and lots of examples of flowers to view. They also took apart the kale seed pods and then planted the tiny seeds. The kids were able to pick and eat flowers with kale and mint leaves for snacks. The garden science has been a wonderful part of the science study this year.

What to do when your child asks you to grow kale...

The students at the Elementary School are loving their fresh-picked veggies from the school farm! Garden nibbles are part of every class, and fresh produce is being delivered to the school lunches and salad bar. And now your child comes home and asks you to grow kale, or another delicious garden vegetable!

Cary Peterson, School Farm Coordinator, has been teaching the students on top tips for growing a simple and successful vegetable garden.
Students And Schools Providing For The Community
Contact Us

South Whidbey School District
Sue Terhar
5520 Maxwelton Rd
Langley, WA  98260
360-221-6808 Ext 2245

Farewell and Many Thanks!
We would like to wish the following staff members our very best in their new adventures:


South Whidbey High School
Sara Beust - Career Center Sec.

Langley Middle School 
Sally Thompson -Teacher

SW Elementary School

Diane Burgess - Teacher
Joanie Nelson - Technology Support

Dan Carter

Jay Wallace - Bus Driver

District Office

Sue Terhar - Admin Assist. to

Family Resource Center
Marilyn Norby

Exploring New Adventures

South Whidbey High School
Joan Lehman
Wanda McDonald

Langley Middle School
Cynthia Barstow
Sarah Boin
Nick Delmedico
Jess Monett
Scott Perkins

South Whidbey Elementary
Marie Grady
Lori Monteperto

South Whidbey Academy
Betsy Gmerek
Leah Tormey
John Watkins

Gail Miller

Thank you for all you have done for our students and staff at the South Whidbey School District! 
You will be missed!

Family Resource Center

Are you wondering about school or community resources that are available to help you and your family?  The Family Resource Center can help! Friendly staff are ready to listen and offer family support based on what will  be most helpful to your situation. 


We  help parents  navigate community and government resources and have school supplies, backpacks, books, coats, mittens, hats, and hygiene items to give away.    


The Center is open  from 9 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Thursday and is located on the  Elementary School campus.   A DSHS worker is at the Center every Tuesday from 9:30 - 3:30 to help with state benefits. 


Group programs include:
Parenting classes, support groups for single moms, relative raising kin, and parents with children who have special needs.

Youth programs include: Homework help and an art clubhouse.

The Family Resource Center is made possible through a partnership between the South Whidbey School District and Readiness To Learn Foundation. 


To learn more visit:
or call 221-6808 ext 4602



The South Whidbey Family Resource Center is located above the kindergarten playground in the portable with purple doors. 

Family Resource Center

5380 Maxwelton Rd.,  

Langley, WA 98260


Mailing Address:  

PO BOX 280  

Langley, WA 98260


School Garden

Email:, or call Cary at 360-221-6046, for more info 


The School Farm is behind the South Whidbey Academy on 5476 Maxwelton Rd.


Volunteers Wanted!!

Would you like to help us make a difference?


We need people like you to donate time, energy, and experience in a variety of areas, including helping in the classroom, being a tutor or mentor, helping senior students with their culminating projects, clerical, and much more.


Together we will be able to help many students and teachers. Our volunteers say they feel rewarded many times over for the help they provide in making a difference in the lives of others.


 Please sign up today! 


Be involved with our schools through PTA!  


Would you like to help us make a difference?  We need people like you to donate time, energy, and experience in a variety of areas, including helping in the classroom, being a tutor/mentor, helping senior students with their culminating projects, clerical, and much more.  


Together we will be able to help many students and teachers. Our volunteers say they feel rewarded many times over for the help they provide in making a difference in the lives of others.


Each school has their own membership. Please join today!

Elementary School - SWEPTA

Langley Middle School - LMSPTSA

South Whidbey High - SWHSPTSA


The South Whidbey Schools Foundation has a three-fold purpose:
  • providing financial support for projects outside the scope of the school district budget which foster educational excellence and innovative process for the benefit of students;
  • recognizing and rewarding teaching excellence through two annual awards;
  • serving as the administrative agency for numerous gifts from individuals and foundations, plus state and federal grants for activities and groups.
School Board
The South Whidbey School Board meets in the Community Room at the South Whidbey Elementary School 
5380 Maxwelton Rd. 
Langley, WA

Meetings start at 6:30 pm

Summer Schedule

June 22nd
July 13th
July 27th
August 24th

Safety is one of our district's top priorities and to help safeguard our school community we are now using SafeSchools Alert, a tip reporting service that allows students, staff, and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration in four different ways: phone, text, email,or via the web.  


SafeSchools Alert allows anyone to easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism or any safety issue they are concerned about.

Every tipSafeSchools Alert receives about our district is immediately logged in the system and our administration is notified so that they can investigate and take appropriate action. And, tips may also be submitted anonymously if you prefer.


Together, using SafeSchools Alert, we can make our district a safer place to work and learn! Thanks in advance for your support.


The links below will take you directly to the SafeSchools Alert system for reporting tips in specific categories - just a click away!


South Whidbey School District


Creating a more inclusive environment for students in South Whidbey Schools...


We often hear about bullying in school and the difficulties students sometimes endure while at school. In South Whidbey School District both students and staff are committed to making our district a better place for everyone.  


Throughout the district we take reports of bullying-type behavior seriously and investigate each one. If you have questions or concerns about your child potentially being bullied please start with a report to the counselor. If necessary see the principal. If this is not sufficient please contact the Superintendent.



Do not wait to make a report.





Vision,Mission and Goals
of the
South Whidbey School District


Every student is a successful independent learner, empowered for life in the global society of the 21st century.

 In partnership with our community, we are deeply committed to provide our students with the best educational experience, preparing them to become capable, creative, caring,and responsible citizens.

Goal 1:
By 2020 - 100% of our graduates will leave the district Career and College ready.

Goal 2:
Continue to implement a uniform evaluation system for ALL staff, in order to promote continuous improvement of the district.