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Here's the Scoop
January 21st, 2016

If you weren't aware that we're a garden shop, it might be hard to tell this time of year, as the outside nursery area is filled up with planters as we ready for spring. This year the offerings include many light weight selections, and, as of this writing, we're waiting on another shipment from a new supplier as well. Look HERE to read more.

The greenhouse is undergoing a transformation; we're in the midst of changing the location of our work/design area from the far left of the greenhouse to right behind the checkout area as you walk in. We're excited!  The fertilizers and other hard goods will be repositioned to where the work tables were. (It's also a good excuse to give Billy and Bert a carpentry project!)

In the landscape, keep up with winter weeds popping up in garden beds. Soon chickweed will appear and you need to stay on top of it. It's very easy to hand pull. Take a look HERE at a post on this opportunistic weed.  

As you walk through your landscape this time of year, there may be spots you'd like to add some annual color for spring. We'll have fresh shipments of pansies and violas just for that purpose. 

Have a great weekend, and we'll see you soon!



Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542