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Here's the Scoop!
October 22nd, 2015

This has been a great week to either get garden beds and planters ready for the new season or, better yet, to plant since it's the perfect time to get small plants acclimated, allowing their roots to get established before cold weather sets in.

Don't forget to water since we haven't had measurable rain now for a couple of weeks. Water deeply, keep a close eye on new plantings, and be sure to mulch .

Now is a good time to divide spring and summer flowering perennials if your garden spaces have gotten too crowded. Give divisions to friends or move them to other areas of your yard.

Plan now where you'd like any more bulbs in your garden too. Remember it's too late when you see all the pretty tulips and daffodils in the spring. The time to find the best selection is now. Layer some in your pots for added pizazz. 

Last weeks email  mentioned  Molly's wedding that took place at the shop.  If you'd like to see pictures and a blog post on it, take a look HERE. It was a beautiful night for a wedding!

A reminder that our pumpkin decorating (and carving for adults) is this Saturday, October 24th, from 10am-4pm. Hope to see you this weekend! We'll have a jumpy house for the kids too.

Thanks for reading, and we'll see you soon.


Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542