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Here's the Scoop!
September 24th, 2015


This newsletter marks the return of weekly emails each Thursday morning. Beginning next week they'll be shorter messages (We know you're busy!) to let you know what's happening in the greenhouse, nursery, and market. 


The red table produce is still going strong, and hopefully you've taken advantage of our fresh farmer's market goodness, available every day of the week except Sundays. Delicious tomatoes, acorn and butternut squash from Springville, sweet cucumbers, as many peas as we can get our hands on, peaches, and much more are on the entrance tables or in the cooler in the greenhouse. 


Mid-September is the beginning of pumpkin season, and we've gotten in the first of them - beautiful large white beauties and orange, blue, and green ones to make decorating even more fun. The big white pumpkins are always very popular. It's best to make your purchase when you see the ones you want, then store them in as cool a condition as you have. Keep them shaded and dry, clean your pumpkins with a bleach and water solution, and if you want to carve them, wait until a week or so prior to Halloween. 


Now is also the time to think about bulbs you might want to add to your garden. We've just gotten in our fall shipment of daffodils, tulip blends, grape hyacinths, ipheion, and others. Maybe you'd like to have some red suprise lilies in your garden, a classic southern harbinger of fall. If you do, we have those available too.  Stop in to see all the goodness bulbs can add to your garden and look HERE to see some posts on them.


The greenhouse is filling up with beautiful foliage, flowers, and more as new shipments come in for fall. When you're through browsing, take a walk across the street to check out our pollinator garden. It's in full riotous bloom!


Finally, we're getting close to pansy season, but we're not quite there yet. This is truly the time of year that teaches us patience. Remember, when  the weather cools, your pansy transplants will be much happier. Until then, there are beautiful marigolds, ornamental peppers, herbs, and  perennial foliage plants, like heucheras and acorus, that are perfectly happy being planted now. Look HERE for some inspiration.


Thanks for reading, get those beds and pots ready, and we'll see you soon!
































Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542