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Here's the Scoop!
August 27th, 2015


Our garden shop kitty, Liam, does not seem to be very excited about the fact that we're getting a head start on the holiday season by making bows ahead of time. We have to say that we're not either, though it is nice to be doing them in the relative calm of summer!


While we're on the subject, one of our favorite people, Cindy Miller from the Lion Ribbon Company, has agreed to join us for a bow making workshop on Saturday, November 21st. If you've ever wanted to learn how to make a bow (And we hear many of you do!), please join us. You'll also have the opportunity, for that day only, to purchase ribbon by the yard at a 10% discount. We know this is early to be letting you know, and we'll remind you again closer to the time. However, if you are interested, mark your calendar for that morning from 10am until noon. We'll be finalizing all the details in the coming weeks.


Let's return to real time now and the end of a steamy August. Haven't the last couple of mornings been wonderful? Fall is definitely in the air!  Many of you have come in to stay stocked up on fresh veggies and fruits through the summer, and we appreciate your business. We'll carry our wonderful Alabama tomatoes and peaches in the market as long as they're available, and the pears, figs, and squashes are also becoming abundant. .  


We know it's almost fall too, when the marigolds begin appearing in the nursery, and we've had them now for a couple of weeks already. They're the perfect fill-in for tired flowers in pots and beds, and their colors segue so well into fall with mums, fresh crops of petunias, lantana, and fresh herbs. Many of you have asked about pansies. Don't even think about them until the weather cools...certainly no earlier than mid-October. 


Orchids and airplants have been plentiful in the greenhouse, and we've been doing many, many containers using them. It's funny to think that years and years ago how scary it was to even think about offering orchids - and now they're a staple! Interesting how one's perspective changes...


We are still looking for a delivery driver...if you know of anyone who might be interested in this entry level job, have them give us a call at 870-7542 or, better yet, come in and talk to us!


Thanks for reading, and we'll see you soon!



























Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542