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Here's the Scoop!
May 28th, 2015


This email will be the last weekly one until the end of September. You'll still receive news from us once a month through the summer, and we hope you'll look forward to the return of weekly emails later in the season.


The big news last week was that Molly became engaged! If you're in the neighborhood, we hope you'll stop in and wish her well. In other staff news, we'll be missing Jamie the month of June, as she spends some quality time with her family. As for the rest of us, life and work will go on as usual.  So if you need plants, advice, gifts, or just a walk through to enjoy the beauty, we'll be here!


Remember you can subscribe to website posts as they're published HERE. If you're on Instagram you can also search the hashtags for #oakstreetgardenshop and see some great pictures! For the latest web post on Dyron's summer planting redo, look HERE.


Enjoy the summer, and we'll see you soon.



















Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542