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Here's the Scoop!
May 21st, 2015


The Flower Carpet  'Amber' rose shown here is gorgeous in flower, and we still have a few in stock of this beautiful bloomer. We don't carry many roses, but this one is a favorite!


For those of you who have completed your plantings,  now the key is maintenance.  Remember that weekly weeding, watering, and deadheading of your garden will keep it looking its prettiest. Mulching is an important element to finishing off a bed. It will look beautiful and serve as a blanket to smother weeds and keep moisture in the soil. Please don't skimp on this! Shredded pine bark or pinestraw are very effective mulches.


Look HERE to read about a weed we highlighted last year. It's coming up now in garden beds, and good maintenance includes getting rid of it and any other weeds before they get out of control. Hand pull or hoe and dispose of them in a garbage bag, never in your compost pile. 


The long holiday weekend is ahead, and, while we are open Saturday as usual, we will be Closed Monday, May 25th, to celebrate Memorial Day. Thanks for reading, and we'll see you soon!














Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542