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Here's the Scoop!
May 14th, 2015


This container garden combination of 'Kong' coleus, golden creeping Jenny, and silver dollar maidenhair fern is just one example of using dramatic foliage for color in the shade. Look HERE to see some others.


At the entrance to the nursery you'll notice other container gardens planted for sun too. We do realize planting options can be overwhelming for many of you, but we are happy to help with suggestions for your planters and garden beds and always try to have examples available to give you ideas. Look HERE for a post on container gardening from April, 2013,  for even more inspiration.


A great garden plant that's in stock now, and one you might not be familiar with, is cigar plant. It's a magnet for hummingbirds and loves a hot, sunny spot. Look HERE for more information in a post from last summer.


So, plant a pot or try something new in the garden, and we'll see you soon!












Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542