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Here's the Scoop!
March 19th, 2015


Tomorrow marks the first day of  spring!! Weve been getting ready, beginning with deliveries of shrubs, like the Spiraea 'Ogon' shown here. Spiraeas are beautiful early spring bloomers that you may be noticing coming in to flower around town now. 


As you stroll through the nursery, you'll also see native azaleas, banana shrubs, tea olives, snowball viburnums, and much more. This is an exciting time in our business, since everyone gets spring fever, including us!


Many of these plants are protected from the hot sun by the tall shade house structure that Billy built many years ago. Look HERE to see another blog post in our look back through Oak Street Garden Shop's 25 years on the building of this distinctive structure.


Enjoy this first weekend of spring, and we'll see you soon!.








































Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542