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Here's the Scoop!
February 26th, 2015


The exciting news this week is shown in the picture. Oak Street Garden Shop was well represented in the Southern Living Container Gardening  Collector's Issue, with Kris' design making the cover! More of hers were inside, and Jamie had a couple too (including a gorgeous, huge Alocasia design). Some beautiful succulent containers by Molly and a pretty urn from Pinkie were also featured. We are so proud! 


Did you know this is our 25th year in business??! It's something else we're excited about and are planning a celebration the week of May 11th. We hope you'll be in town then to  wish us another 25! Kris wrote a special blog post on how Billy started Oak Street Garden Shop. It's the first in  a series and we hope you'll want to read it HERE


Finally, it's time to prune roses so they'll be their prettiest for Mother's Day in May. Take a look HERE for more on this.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we'll see you soon!






































Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542