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Here's the Scoop!
February 5th, 2015


February is a good gardening month in Birmingham. Some things to do include cutting back your mondo grass and other perennial grasses. Use a string trimmer and, in the case of tall  perennial grasses, tie the clumps together before cutting them back.

We mentioned pre-emerge a while back. When the forsythia begins to bloom, the temperatures are usually right for this task. While it won't prevent every weed from springing up in your lawn, it will help.

Spring blooming shrubs can be cut and brought in your home for welcome winter color now too. Simply cut budded flowering shrubs, crush the woody end of the stem so it will better be able to draw up water, then  place them in a pretty vase and enjoy!

 Valentine's Day
 is approaching, and we can make something beautiful for your sweetheart in any price range. We have lots of gorgeous blooming plants to work with, and they last so much longer than a cut bouquet!

Thanks for reading, and we'll see you soon.







































Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542