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Here's the Scoop!
December 11th, 2014


A good many of you have already picked out your perfect Christmas tree and may already have it up and decorated. But, for those who may not,  there are still some trees still available, and we deliver too!

Do you know we have local  pecans in the cooler from Shelby County? They are so fresh and perfect for baking, toasting, or simply eating out of hand. In fact, we are well stocked with all sorts of good food items that make easy and delicious hostess gifts too. 

We are in the height of the season and stay very busy in the greenhouse designing centerpieces, container combinations for gifts, and adding just the right touch to flowering plants so you can take them to friends and family. Please help us out by giving us at least a few days notice for arrangements. While we can work quickly, we'd  much rather be able to give your orders our fullest attention to make them  the absolute best. Thanks so much! Finally, look HERE to see the latest blog post on our website - an overview of the holiday season from our perspective. 

A note on our hours: this Sunday, the 14th, will be the last Sunday we'll be open, and our hours will be from 12-4.  Thanks for reading, have a great weekend,  and we'll see you soon.























Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542