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Here's the Scoop!
November 20th, 2014


We've all been shaking our heads at how fast time seems to fly. It just doesn't seem possible that Thanksgiving is next week! 

In celebration, we will be CLOSED  on Thanksgiving Day so we can give thanks for all our blessings, be with our families, eat well, watch some football, and rest up for the coming holiday rush.

As usual, the Christmas trees arrive the day before, on Wednesday, and they'll be set up as quickly as possible. Friday there should be plenty in place for you to look through. A quick tip on placement of trees by size:  6'-7', Front/Left; 7'-8', Front/Right; 8'-9', Inside/Right; 9'-10', Inside/Left;  10'-11', End on Oak Street toward Dyron's Restaurant. As usual, all sold trees set up for delivery will be in the parking lot on the Oak Street side. We'll have table top trees too; they're  just the right size for our older customers and condo or apartment dwellers.


As in years past, Dená and Kathy will be making mailbox decorations, and we'll have wreaths of all sizes, garlands, bunches of greenery, and berries to help you decorate for the season. Don't forget to take a look at the ribbons available too! Want to try your hand at making your own mailbox decoration? Look HERE  to find out more.

In the greenhouse, we have a very good selection of amaryllis bulbs for any of you who like to plant your own, either as gifts or for yourself . They're so much fun to watch come up and are so impressive when they bloom! Take a look HERE at a blog post about them.

Weekly e-newsletters will resume the week after Thanksgiving. We hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you through the holidays!



















Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542