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Here's the Scoop!
November 6th, 2014


The hardy conifers shown here in this miniature garden  are just the right size for any type of small pot and should grow happily. There's quite a nice selection now too. For more information, look HERE

Have  you mulched all of your planting beds? Last weekend's cold snap certainly reminded us we're into November and will probably see more cold fronts swinging down our way. If you need shredded pine bark mulch, we have it and rolls of pretty pine straw too.

In the greenhouse, we're getting set up for the holidays right around the corner. We love Thanksgiving though, too,  and don't want to short change it. If you need help with centerpieces for that special holiday, let us know. We're happy to help and have lots of pretty new containers if you are looking for something special. Take a look  HERE for a peek at some of them. 


If you're still filling in or planting your beds and pots, please take care of what you need soon. Before you know it Thanksgiving will be here, then the Christmas trees...we'll have limited space for pansies, and the selection becomes more limited too. 


Finally, for those who have asked for a plant list of everything in the "Better Late Than Never Garden", there's now a detailed post on our website. Take a look HERE to see it. 


Enjoy the weekend, and we'll see you soon!















Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542