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Here's the Scoop!
October 16th, 2014


We're stocked up and ready for visitors this weekend! The Mountain Brook Chamber of Commerce will be escorting representatives from MSNBC through the villages of Mountain Brook this Saturday. 

We've put on our best face and hope you'll come to Crestline Village - and, of course, Oak Street Garden Shop - Saturday between 12:30 - 3pm to show our guests what a vibrant local community we have! They'll be filming live for the Sunday morning show, "Your Business". This episode, filmed in Mountain Brook, focusing on small, local businesses, will air sometime in November. 

In the garden, it's definitely time to get pansies and other cool weather plantings in your beds and planters so they have time to get established before wintry weather sets in. Look HERE for a post showing some pansy color combinations to get you started. All of us at Oak Street Garden Shop appreciate your business and know there are many other choices out there for your gardening needs. We hope our one location in Crestline Village is the first place you choose for your plants and inspiration.  The succulent cedar frame planters pictured,  made locally in Heflin, Alabama, inspire us! Look HERE for more about them.

Finally, mark your calendar for Saturday, October 25th, for our 2nd annual Pumpkin Carving Contestt, from 10am-4pm. Participation is free, and we'll have prizes too! Thanks for reading, and we'll see you soon.
















Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542