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Here's the Scoop!
September 25th, 2014


Please bring your kids for some creative fun decorating and painting pie pumpkins this Saturday, September 27th, 10am-4pm. We'll be set up under tents out front. We hope many of you will want to join us! 

No doubt you've seen pumpkins appearing at various places around town, and we have plenty too. Our pumpkins come from not very far way, in Tennessee, and they are (Literally!) all shapes, sizes, textures, and colors.

 Fall p
lanting has also begun, with marigolds and mums leading the way, and pansies will make their appearance soon. We've  been thrilled to get in bachelor buttons too, the beautiful cornflower that everyone wants when they see it in bloom. Look HERE for more information on these blue-flowered spring beauties.

In the nursery, new shipments of locally grown  shrubs, just in time for fall planting, arrived this past week. While you're here, take a look too at the selection of mixed container  plantings that are on sale 50% off. Autumn is such a great gardening season!

 Thanks for reading, 
and we'll see you soon!

















Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542