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                                                                               Here's the Scoop!
 September 4th, 2014


Labor Day might be past, but we're still in summer mode, rearranging the nursery and greenhouse, and designing planters that will only get better as we move into fall.  Spring bulbs have arrived too, and now is the right time to take a look at all the beautiful choices!


Your summer plantings may understandably be looking a bit tired, but we have plenty of fresh flowers to perk them up, including bright pots of cosmos, celosia, zinnias, marigolds, mums, and crotons for late season color. The greenhouse is full of the prettiest new houseplants and succulents, too!


Soon more miniature garden accessories will be arriving just in time for the new season, including tiny pumpkins, gourds, and scarecrows for a fun fall themed garden. Meanwhile we've been putting together a few of these tiny gardens just for fun. Look HERE for  a glimpse of some of our creations.  


Thanks for reading, and we'll see you soon.

































Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542