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Here's the Scoop!
 August 14th, 2014


The new school year has begun for most of you who have children, and it takes time to settle  into  new routines. We hope everything is going smoothly for y'all!


These hot days of late summer make us realize we are really ready for fall.Not that we haven't enjoyed the slower pace of summer (Actually it seems to have flown by!), but we look forward to a new season of plants too.


Soon summer plants for the garden give way to early fall favorites like fresh crops of marigolds that we've begun to stock, and mums that will be here before you know it. Succulents, though, seem to be available most of the year now. The planter filled with them shown in the picture has been living quite happily in the side garden all summer. 


Some succulents are hardy and others aren't, but they're all fascinating. Look HERE if you're interested in seeing some of the designs we've done with them in the past month.


 Another tough plant you may not be familiar with is cuphea ignea, cigar plant. While it may not look like much in a little pot, the hummingbirds can spot it a mile away and absolutely love it. Plant it next to some blue salvia in your garden and there won't be any need for a hummingbird feeder! We've planted a couple in our 'Better Late Than Never" flower garden across the street from the shop. Look HERE to find out more about this unusual plant that is related to Mexican heather.


Another sign that it's late summer is the appearance of fresh figs from Petals From the Past.. These and their apples would make a delicious after school snack for the little ones.


Enjoy the rest of your week and we'll see you soon!


































Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542