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Here's the Scoop!
 July 31st, 2014



The last day of July is here, and, unbelievably, kids will be back in school before you know it. Where does the time go?


It seems like yesterday we told you about our surprise pumpkin in the sign planter. Just look at it now! (And you think your kids grow fast!)

Container gardens grow just as quickly, and, by this time of year, their roots are probably filling the pot and they'll need plenty of water to keep top growth looking lush. Be consistent in your watering and your plants will thank you. Now is also the time to clip back overgrown or bloomed out plants and fertilize them. Don't be shy; with the long days of summer and a little food, they'll flush out beautifully. For some watering tips for your landscape, look HERE at a web post from last summer.


If you haven't been by to see the pretty container gardens we have growing out, you really should. There are some beauties! While you're here, take home a candy corn plant too, a tall cuphea that the hummingbirds adore. 

Finally, for 
 folks who garden indoors, you might be interested in the web post shown HERE to see what plant hybridizers are doing with aloes. They're definitely not your mother's burn plant anymore! 


Have a fantastic weekend,  and we'll see you soon!





















Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542